Sara's Word

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Sara arrived back at the labs, failure weighing heavy in her heart and vengeance heavily in her mind. She walked around, through the compound where the prisoners were held. Probably not her smartest move after losing Nic, but she had too much going through her mind.

"Hey Princess, wheres your little body guard now?" She ducked the projectile fork that was aimed for her head and ignored the comment. The entire walk down the hall was tedious and wretched, the prisoners had jabbed and jeered at her. But she had walked down the hall, not run, just walked, and kept a level head. She was bottling her temper, reserving her wrath specifically for Nic, Kale, and Brice. She marched straight down to where the lab table was open, and in use. She looked at the file before she even attempted looking at the patient. Her name was Sasha, she was picked up in an old parking deck. Sasha was fourteen, she had been in critical condition until now. The normal dose of the sedative had been too much for her small, petite body.

Sara browsed through the medical history from the time that she had been in critical. Sara looked at the girl. Sasha's dark cocoa bean skin was untouched and perfect aside from the scars that would form from the surguries. Along with one long jagged scar on the side of her face where she'd been hurt during her capture. Sara looked at the file, Brown eyes. She set the file aside and pulled on a pair of gloves and a facemask before approaching the table, "So, whats the story with her now? I read the file but it doesnt say what may happen..."

The scientist looked at her and grinned, "Sara... Hello. Um, she is showing amazing potential. Her eyes are turning silver too, that means the procedure is doing something... She is also recovering very fast, her body is taking to the chemicals better than anyone else has. Even yours, and you were the best..." Sara nodded and smiled mischeviously. The scientist looked at her, "What is going through your mind... And where's Nic?" He looked around a bit and after not seeing her in a corner like usual he returned to the procedure.

Sara sighed, "There was a complication... Nic got hurt and was left behind. Her former boyfriend wasn't letting her go anytime soon. She is no longer on our side, treat her as if she is an escapee... She is with Simon and a couple others. Shouldn't be hard... I need to pick some one else to replace her. Any suggestions Toby?"

The scientist shrugged, "Most just want to make you suffer and then die..."

"I know that... Nic was the worst until I made that deal to leave Brice and Kale alone and out of this... Now that deal is very... Very... Very void."

"Sasha here was a friend of Simon and Buck, if you want to use that any."

"I think I will... Has Buck been returned to his cell since his... Interrogation?"

"In a few minutes, why?"

"I have reasons. How many procedures for Sasha left?"

"Just this one. Her body has handled this so well we have been able to do the procedures back to back without the necessary rest when we move the patient."

"Thats incredible... Don't assign her anywhere Toby. Show her all the cells and a couple of roommate options, really rattle her cage. Then tell her she is special and it got someone important's attention, then put her in my room." Toby nodded as Sara pulled off the gloves and mask. She pulled up her jacket hood and started leaving.

Toby looked at her before she made it through the door, "Where are you going, and what are you doing Sara?"

She simply shrugged, "Going to replace Nic. Where else?" She walked out the door and this time as she passed through the cells she was able to ignore the shouts at her more easily. She searched the cell numbers looking for nine. There was way more cells than people, but they had so little contact with anything outside their cell they all had a cell mate. Now the vampire had no cell mate. She found cell nine and it was totally empty. She closed the cell door behind her and sat on Simon's old bed. She crossed her legs up on the bed with her. Her hood hid her face and she was looking down.

Within a mere matter of minutes people started to get a little quieter and they seemed to forget her presence. Then everything became dead silent, anyone could've heard a pin drop. The door opened and Sara quickly checked her pocket for her skeleton key, and it was there. Buck was thrown into the room on the floor, he tried to push himself up off the ground and the door closed. His shirt was gone and it looked like he had been beaten within an inch of his life. He had several bruises that covered large amounts of skin and gashes that weren't bleeding. He pushed himself up to his feet and looked at her, "What do you want..."

"A deal Buck. Everyone knows that Nic didnt like me, in fact she hated me. But she still worked for me, for her price she did anything I asked. Everyone has their price Buck." She pulled down her hood and looked up at him from where she sat.

He sighed, "Not me... It's not worth anything."

"Nic did it for her boyfriend and his bestfriend. If they weren't in the labs she was mine, she swore her service to me. Unless they were brought in."

"I. Don't. Care. You wouldn't make that kind of deal over Star..."

"Not over Star. But we have Sasha."

Buck's jaw clenched, "You better not be lying to me Sara... Don't talk about Sasha. Ever." He glared at her.

"Buck. I have Sasha, shes already been through the procedures but she doesn't have to stay in a cell, be a prisoner." She stood and she could see he was seriously considering her offer.

His eyes darted around the ground and he licked his lips, "If I replace Nic..."

"Sasha will have to stay here, but she can still be with you, and I will allow her to stay where Nic did in my room. You all see me as evil and cruel, but I'm not the witch everyone thinks I am. She will be well cared for, and you get a room nearby mine."

"And she will be safe?" He looked at Sara and there was almost a desperation in his eyes.

"As safe as she allows herself. I will offer her to work with me like you do, so she can work closely with you. Give her something to do, with someone she feels comfortable with."

He sighed, "Okay... But nothing is official until I see her..."

"Then we make our agreement. Your vow on my word, if my word is broken your vow is void. If your vow is broken, I do the very thing my word prevented."

"Okay... Okay. I'll see Sasha, then I'll make your deal." Sara smiled, she had exactly what she wanted.

She took out her key and unlocked the cell door, "Then follow me Buck."

Buck slowly closed the door behind him and ignored the burning of the gashes from his previous encounter with the interrogationer. He followed Sara and the entire room fell silent, everyone was wastching them and they knew it. Sara walked forward, her wry smile showing her victory. Buck held his head high, if he was going to be Sara's pet, he decided he might as well stand by his decision.

He followed Sara all the way back to her room and she faced him, "Wait here for a bit." He nodded and she slipped inside.

She closed the door behind her and Sasha turned abruptly to face her. "Wh-Who are you... And where am I?"

"My name is Sara. And you are in my room... You're very special Sasha."

"Your... Room?"

"It is. My roommate, recently had to leave. You can stay here instead if you'd like Sasha." Sasha looked around the nice and cozy room.

"I-I can?"

"Yes... And I have someone that would like to see you, if that's alright?"

"Who is it?"

"A friend of yours." She opened the door and Buck stepped inside.

Their eyes locked, "Sash..." His voice was barely a whisper.

She took a step forward, "Bucky?" He walked over to her quickly and hugged her tightly. He ignored the intense pain he was feeling and hugged her tightly.

She hugged him back, "What happened to you... I was so scared..." She sounded like she could cry.

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry Sash... I promise I'll never let anything else happen to you... Never..." He glanced at Sara a moment, triumph gleaned in her eyes.

Sasha lightly touched places on his back where he'd been cut into and there were huge bruises. Bucky started feeling less rigid and began to relax. Sara's jaw dropped as she watched all the places heal up at her touch.

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