The Confrontation

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After the fire was started Kale and Eli steadily refused to speak to each other. Ben joined Kale's side and Star joined Eli's. Brice sat beside Amber with Nic curled up at their feet as a wolf.
The forest slowly began to hum to life as darkness fell over the area. With a small sigh Brice looked between the two divides parties, "Do you even know what you are arguing about anymore?"

Kale moved to open his mouth and then closed it again in what looked like defeat. Eli rolled her eyes, "It doesn't even matter anymore Brice. Besides, I have don't have to have a reason to be mad at Kale. He's rude, callous, inconsiderate, and not to mention a total and complete fool." 

Kale glared at her, "I'm not making you stay here anymore. the moment you were free of that net you could have left. You chose to stay with us. We aren't making you, so if you're really that unhappy, you could always go off alone again."

Ben looked at him slightly in shock. Star's eyes flashed purple for a moment while hurt flashed across Eli's face. She froze for a moment seeming to have been taken aback by his words before she stood up. "Not everything is about you Kale." Star reached for her hand and she snatched it away from him confusion and anger plastered on her face, "Leave me be Star. It doesn't matter anyway." She walked away leaving her things behind, a sign that she might return.

Star looked at Kale, "You should go apologize Kale. You don't know what you just said to her. I know she's secretive and a little strange, but that was uncalled for." Kale rolled his eyes and hugged his knees to his chest resting his chin in them and sighed staring at the fire. Star's eyes flashed purple again and he shook his head, "I know I need to get a grip on my ability. But you two really need to figure something out. She needs us, as much as you need her. She needs healing from Felix, just like you need it from Sara." 

Kale shook his head, "You have no idea what you're talking about. I don't even know what you're talking about."

Brice threw a small pebble that hit Kale on the arm, "He's saying go kiss and make up with Eli you blockhead. Obviously you've both been hurt too much to see that you like each other. Now if you don't go get her, I might have to beat some sense into you." Nic made a sound that resembled a chuckle and Kale stood up.

He turned and started to walk the same direction Eli had, "And I'm not doing this because you told me to Brice. Just because you all will not leave me alone until I do."

When he was gone Ben looked at Star, "Care to shed any light?" Star only shook his head and stared into the fire. Nic's head soon popped up and her ears turned back with a small growl. Star looked at her and his eyes widened slightly in fear as she stood and growled in his direction with her fur bristling up on end. 

Brice held Amber close standing them both up. Star shot to his feet and turned to stand between Ben and the thing that Nic was now growling at. Ben scrambled to his feet and ran to join Brice and Amber with Star following him slowly. A pair or red eyes shone through the darkness as a tall and lanky boy stepped forward. The well groomed boy was almost unrecognizable before Nic shifted back to her human form and shook her head, "Bucky... Don't tell me."

Star's eyes began to prick with tears looking over the boy he had once called his best friend. Bucky shook his head, "Nicolette, you know why. She made an offer I couldn't refuse. I once considered you a mentor, and dare I say, sister." Nic shook her head and stepped closer to the fire between them. "I have my reasons, just like you did. Star, you will come with me. You want to." A mixed cry of pain and fear rang out around them as what was going on sunk in for Nic.

Nic looked around, "What do you want Buck. I, will surrender to you. But no one else needs to be involved." She put her hands up and Brice grabbed her shoulder leaving Amber to stand with Ben.

Nic tried to brush him off, "Nic, no. I will not lose you again. You aren't going anywhere." Brice tied to get her to look at him but she refused to break eye contact with Bucky.

"It doesn't work like that Nic. Sash, come here for a moment? I'm going to need help." A very neat and well looking Sasha slowly crept from behind the tree line. "Star. Take the girl and go with Sasha. Don't make this difficult."

Star ran to Sasha and melted at her feet hugging her legs tightly, "Sash... I'm so sorry. I thought you were dead." Tears burned hot down his face as he clung to the girl he thought had died.

Nic looked at Bucky, "Then this is it, isn't it Buck." He nodded and she leapt at him shifting midair trying to sink her claws and teeth into his pearly skin.

Ben took Amber by the hand and started to pull her away running as fast as they could manage on her injury. Brice ran at the wolf and boy that were locked in combat. The fight was hard to follow until Bucky threw Nic into a tree with strength he shouldn't have had. Brice swung at the Bucky and when his fist connected with the marble like skin Bucky chuckled and spit out a mouthful of blood from his hands and knees before leaping on Brice with enough speed to catch him off guard. Nic screamed as Brice began trying to rip Bucky off of him, even though it was too late.

Bucky had sunk his teeth into Brice's skin over his collarbone. The bone snapped in his teeth and didn't let go as Brice screamed in pain. Nic scrambled and started trying to pry Bucky off of Brice before it was too late, but it seemed to be in vain as the color was draining from Brice's skin. As Bucky let go Nic ripped him away and held Brice in her arms with tears streaming down her face.

Brice coughed and Nic looked at the small panel in his arm, "Brice, you'll be okay. It'll... I'll."

He looked at her, "I love you... It's okay Nic." Nic shook her head and pulled him closer.

She started to panic trying to figure out how to help him. "No, Brice. You can't go, I can't lose you, please Brice... Please." He coughed slightly again and the life in his eyes faded almost in an instant as the panel in his arm died with his heart. Nic looked at Bucky, poison in her eyes, "How could you?!"

Bucky shrugged wiping the blood from his face, "I hope you can forgive me, and yourself one day Nicolette."

She went to jump on him again but hit the ground beside Brice writhing in pain as Sara stepped forward, "Good job Bucky. Now get the other two."

Bucky looked down at Nic with one final look of pity. "As you wish Mistress." He ran after Ben and Amber quickly.

Sara knelt down beside Nic and pulled her up by her hair making her look her in the eyes, "I told you. Now don't you regret not doing your job Nic? It cost you Brice, never forget that. This is your fault." 

Nic reached for Brice's cold and near bloodless body as Sara dropped her. "Kill me too... please."

Sara shook her head, "Not on your life." With a swift kick to the ribs Nic blacked out.

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