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Bucky looked around the makeshift market, waiting for his newest mark. It had been decided that sending him alone was the way to go. He knew Sasha would meet with him in two days if he couldn't get any blood to keep him strong. He had just stolen some tech to get a new change of clothes when he heard shouting down at a nearby table.

Bucky looked up and saw a short blonde girl running from a table of baked goods leaving behind two fresh rabbits. He recognized her as one of his targets, and ran over to the table, "What happened Zania?"

Zania looked down at the rabbits, "Can you help? That girl over paid for a handful of cookies."

He smiled and nodded, "I'll make sure she gets her change."

She handed him one of the rabbits and a pouch with more raspberry cookies, "Thank you Buck!"

He took off after the girl without a response. He found her around the corner running, rabbit and cookies in his bag. She glanced back with a cookie hanging from her mouth and started to run again as she saw him. "Hey, wait up!"

He chased her to a worn out intersection and she ducked behind a boy holding a short, thin blade, "Whoa, easy there."

She held a cookie to the boy with the sword, "Cookie?"

The boy turned and gave her a disbelieving look as someone tackled Bucky, "Where did you get a cookie?"

Bucky twisted and threw the other boy off of him, he recognized another one of his marks as two other boys ran over, "I'm not here to hurt her. She over paid for the cookies!"

She perked up and ran over to him, "I can get more cookies?!"

He chuckled and handed her the pouch of cookies and rabbit, "Your change. I'm Bucky."

She bounced on her heels and offered him a cookie, "I'm Karrie. Cookie?"

He brushed himself off and accepted the cookie taking a bite. He looked at the group of boys with her, "You all want a little help? I know a safe settlement. It's about a day and a half of travel. I'm going back to meet with my girlfriend."

They looked between each other and exchanged whispers before his other mark stepped forward and offered to shake his hand, "Theo. It could be worth exploring, we can't make promises of staying. But we can definitely check it out if that is alright."

Bucky shook his hand and smiled, "Sounds perfect."

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