Nic's Vow

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Nic paced her little cell like some sort of animal. She had been refused of any company. Her hostility was incredible. They found she tore into anyone like a savage if given a chance.

She felt like an animal, inside and out. She didn't know why? Her wolf wasn't in control, she didn't understand. She felt some new presence in the room and she locked eyes with a boy that had burning red eyes.

They both froze and he was rigid. His body language screamed danger. After a moment he sat on one one of the beds and she resumed pacing the floor. She didn't speak. She wasn't usually one for words, "So, who are you?"

She faced him, "Does it really matter what my name is? I'm not who I was, nor will I ever be..." He only shrugged and looked at his hands down in his lap. "What about you?" Her voice softened, she remembered what it was like in the beginning for her.

She even felt sorry for this boy. "My name?"

"Yeah, why not? If you survive, I gotta call you something..."

"Bucky... If? If I survive?"

"If... Yes... The wolf doesn't like people, in general." A faint smile up turned the corner of her mouth a little.

"The wolf... Okay... That's totally ominous. So, what do I call you if I survive."

"Acquaintances call me Nicolette. My friends call me Nic. Choose what you wish to be." She changed to her wolf and she jumped up on her small bed and curled up.

He shrugged and relaxed on the bed. "Were you.... On your first night I mean... You know, were you...." Her head popped up and she looked at him. "I m-mean... Were you scared?" He looked at her and she saw him, as he really was.

She saw he was a scared fifteen year old. A kid, that had been bruised, battered and broken. He was scared, and she could feel it. She could smell the low amount of blood he had. She sighed and got down from her bed and instead curled up beside him on his bed.

He took a deep breath and sighed. He was soon able to relax with her beside him. She stayed close that first night.

Bucky and Nic had become good friends. Sharing stories, and their hate for their prison. The lives they'd missed, and what they could've done differently. For two weeks, they'd begun to perk up.

But, as bad things do happen. One day the lock on the door clicked open. They both skittered back against the wall seeing the witch step inside and close the door. She was alone, "Where's your flying monkey Sara?" Nic taunted and she glared at her.


"You lost the right to call me that, you call me Nicolette." Nic stayed glued to the wall. Her keen ears were very vulnerable to Sara's power.

"Nic." She seemed annoyed, "You hate me. But you're powerful, strong..."

"What's the point? I'll never be your slave... Not for anything."

Sara faced her, "Not even for Kaleb? And for Brice?"

Nic looked like Sara had shot her in the chest, "Wh-what about Kaleb... And... And Brice..."

"I will get to it... Jack didn't make it back last time we were handling a task..."

"What is that to me, evil witch..."

"Everyone has a price Nic... And I know yours..." Nic realized that Bucky was frozen.

"What did you do to him?!"

"Nic. I just restrained him. He has no idea what's going on. It's so we can chat and I won't lose all my blood."

"I wouldn't mind him doing that to you..."

"I'd be nicer to me... I will make a deal with you. I am willing to give you a price for your work."

"What kind if deal..."

"Nic. You give me your vow to do as I wish, protect me, replace Jack. And I give you my word, we will not take Brice and Kale in."

"If you break your word?"

"Your vow is void and you are no longer bound to me."

"And if my vow is broken?"

"By death? I let whatever will happen, happen. If for any other reason, my word will be broken and Brice and Kale will undergo experimentation. As soon as possible."

"I... I..." Sara could see the war in her head, she wanted them safe, but she didn't know if it'd be worth it.

"You have my word Nic..." Sara extended her hand and Nic stared at it and slowly shook her hand symbolizing her vow to Sara.

Bucky shook his head slightly and looked confused seeing Nic standing at Sara's side. "N-Nic... What's going on?"

Nic sighed, "I'm replacing Jack for Sara... I've already decided, I might as well stand by my decision."

"But... You're leaving me?...." Buck looked surprised.

"Yes. Good bye Bucky... It has been a pleasure. I'll always cherish our friendship."

"Bye Nicolette..." His voice was like ice and Nic followed Sara out. The very next day Simon was placed in Buck's room.

And Nic was Sara's slave. The wolf and the witch.

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