Elizabeth's Heartbreak

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Eli stared up at the stars watching the breeze flow through the trees. She couldn't sleep, even with Felix curled up around her body, which usually made it easy for her to sleep. With the next day marking his nineteenth year and him being undecided about staying behind with her, she was just barely at her sixteenth mark. The only way they could stay together is if they dug out their trackers together, and stayed on the uncertain planet they currently called home.

She wasn't sure if he was willing to give up the comfort of leaving, even if it was without her. He seemed to want to stay with her, and yet he was showing it less as time was approaching for him to leave. She didn't sleep at all that night with her head swimming and making her sick to her stomach. She hadn't been alone long when Felix had found her and she wasn't sure she could make it without him.

When Felix woke up he pulled her in closer to him and kissed her cheek gently. She looked at him and smiled nervously, "Good morning Felix."

He smiled at her, "You're awake early. You usually are still asleep by this time." He gave her a light peck on the lips before standing and starting to pick up their small camp.

Eli sat up and shrugged, "Didn't sleep well last night." She watched him move around her. "Are you nervous about today?"

He froze for a moment and shook his head, "What's the point? Eli, this is my decision. I know we talked about staying together. I know that's a big commitment, almost as big as going back."

She stood up and began to help him, "I know, Felix I'm just trying to figure out where your head is at right now. Time for a decision is running out." She paused and reached for his hand.

He pulled back and stood up, "Eli. No. Don't start this. Just be happy I'm here now."

She looked at him slightly confused, "What do you mean Felix? Are you trying to say what I think you're saying?"

He looked at her coldly, "Eli, you're still practically a child. Why can't you understand? I know we've been together a while now."

She cut him off and crossed her arms, "Almost three years Felix. I've saved your life more than once in that time too."

He shook his head, "Eli. Maybe one day you will understand my decision. While I am grateful for these past three happy years together, I can't stay here. Not even for you."

Tears pricked at her eyes as his words cut into her heart, "Felix. Please tell me you're joking. You... You're going to leave me behind?" With her own words tears, that had been threatening to fall rolled down her face.

Felix reached over to her and gently wiped the tears from her cheeks and held her face in his hands, " Elizabeth. You are better than this. I hope to see you in another three years. But, I'm leaving today."

She pushed him back, "So I meant nothing to you?"

"Eli, I didn't say that. I just said I'm going to leave." He picked up his bag and turned away from her, "Good luck out here." He began to walk away leaving her with her bag at her feet.

She watched him in shock, "Felix... Please..." 

He paused a moment and glanced back, "No Eli. Goodbye."

Her knees hit the dirt as she watched the one person she loved, and the one person she had thought loved her, walk away. The tears fell uncontrollably as he walked away from her for good. She could feel her heart breaking and it was like she had been stabbed in the chest. All of his flowery words and promises walked away with him too. He had pulled her along and made her feel things she never thought she would feel.

She began to slowly realize the consequences of loving someone in the broken world she was on. She cried until she physically couldn't anymore. When the tears had stopped the light of day was fading, just like she had hoped her pain would. She slowly picked up her bag and began walking the opposite direction Felix had gone. With a heavy heart Eli swore to herself she would never trust her heart, or love again.

She managed to work well alone and became used to her own company in time, avoiding grouping up with anyone for about a year. She was fine, all until she fell into a net trap.

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