05~ Kikwangs Admirer?

830 36 4

"Eunji was filming fun"? Hayoung asked.

I nodded and continued eating my cup of noodles. She laughed and walked around to make sure everyone was comfortable and happy.

"Hey. Are you guys filming"? Kris asked.

I nodded again because I had food in my mouth. He smiled and looked over at Kai.

Kai was talking on the phone. It was a serious conversation by the looks of it. I wonder what he's talking about.

I listened carefully and heard it clearly.

"Yeah, we found her. She doesn't remember anything. ~pause~ no we don't have the information yet. ~pause~ yes we will continue to get information. bye"

He hung up the phone and I looked at Kris again. Ummmm..... he wasn't there though.


I guess he left. I don't blame him I'm not that fun to hang around. I'm boring.

"Hey Ji" Kai smiled.

"So we have nicknames now" I joked.

He smirked and winked then walked to the cameraman. They began talking and I went to my manager.

On my way to our manager I overheard a conversation....

"I like him okay. Yeah I know he's not supposed to date. I'm not stupid. Kikwang is perfect though. Please help us get together. Please. You owe me"

"Fine. Only if you help me and Eunji to break up. I made a promise to watch over her and that's not needed anymore since he's back. Tell her I'm cheating on her. She's a wonderful girlfriend but I made a promise."

"Okay, deal"

I quickly went to the manager so Ao wouldn't be caught. Yoseob came out first, then......Chorong!!!

I met up with yoseob.....

"Who wants me me to be watched? Was our whole relationship a joke or something?" I asked.

He sighed and had a sad face. Ira his fault so I not going to be sorry for his mistakes.

"I can't say but I can say I really did love you.I still do but k promised once he was back I would break us off." He explained.

"Well....Goodbye then....Y-Yoseob." I croaked at the end.

I turned and walked to the parking lot. It's dark because it's underground. The van was in the back so I had to walk awhile.

There were footsteps echoing that weren't mine. I stopped and they stopped also.

I turned around and saw nothing. When I turned back a man in black was in front of me.

Then more stepped out on my sides and behind me. Am I about to me robbed or..... murdered?

"C-can I help you"? I questioned.

They didn't say anything and started closing in on me. They got to about 2 feet away.

"Leave her alone please" a males voice cooed.

I looked to find all of Exo. Suho was the one who talked. The men in black smiled and got into a fighting stance.

"Let's go pups"

I was tossed aside into a car while the two groups stared to fight. Exo was very good at fighting.

In a matter of minutes Exo had the men in the ground in pain. Kai came over to me and made sure I was okay.

I assured them j was fine and they escorted me to the van with my other members.

"Thanks again. See you all later." I smoked and bowed.


"Home sweet home" Bomi said in engrish~

We laughed at her walked inside to sit in the living room. After we got comfortable I started to talk.

"On my way to the van some guys and black surrounded me and Exo beat them up." I explained.

They looked at me then at each other. Some laughed and others asked if I was okay.

"Guys it's true. Than for the two of you who believe me. I appreciate it. And the rest of you suck." I sighed and began watching "you're all surrounded"

Naeun, Chorong and Hayoung left to take showers and then go to bed. Its only 7:30 but we never get sleep.


I left soon after the others did. I went into the deck and drank some tea and looked at the stars.

I'm so confused today. First Kai has a weird phone call that k can hear clearly when I'm not supposed to then I get attacked and Exo saves me.

What a day......


Sorry it's late again. I've been working on two new fanfics. Please check them out.


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