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I pulled away with force and Kai had a shocked face.

"What the hell!" I exclaimed.

"Crap, that was supposed to work" he muttered.

"What are you talking about? You are a freaking psycho."

I walked away from him and he tried to follow me but he lost me in the crowd of idols.

The first person I ran into was Key. He saw my freaked out face and brought me to a table.

"What's wrong?"

"Kai freaking kissed me at 12:00 and then said it should of worked. He's a psycho." I explained.

Key scoffed and patted my back.

"It's okay. There's most likely an explanation. You'll probably find out soon."

"Stop being so cryptic" I complained.

Key laughed and went into the crowd. I guess he's no help in this situation. Usually I'd tell yoseob but since we broke up that's not gonna happen.

I'm just gonna go home. First I need to find Hoya. He'll take me home right away.

"Hey, can you take me home?" I asked.

"Yeah, let me grab my coat first. Follow me."


We pulled up in front of my house and sat there. He didn't say a thing and neither did I.

"Wanna talk about it?" He asked.

"Not today, maybe in a few days. Thanks for the ride and all, see you later"

I got out of the car and walked up to my door and unlocked it. When I got to my room I looked for a book to read.

As I was about to give up I saw a book that has never been there before. It looked old and worn out.

Kinda like it's been around for many, many years. My dream suddenly came to mind.

~Find the book and read it. You'll remember everything~

I opened up the book and a note fell out.

Dear daughter,

I am probably dead if you have been acting strange. I need to tell you our family secret.

Every female that dies, powers get sent to the next female.

This will continue until the boss of BTS gets the neckless. I guess you have met 12 boys who act weirdly. They are all wolves. good ones. Please stay with them until they say it's okay. Follow every order and don't disobey them.

They are a family friend. Don't worry. If you get a tingly feeling where a mark showed up it's copying that persons power. I am watching over you. I love you.

P.S: Try not to copy or use powers because you can then get rid of the family curse. ~MOM

Mom? Wolves? BTS? What?

I looked at the first page and it had the symbol on my neckless. There were other symbols surrounding.

The next page had writing.

"The guardians must protect the princess. If they don't the reaper will find her and she will die. If there is no younger female in the family all wolves will die. You most let her copy powers or everyone will disappear. If the princess has a lover let him never betray her. The man I was in love with betrayed me and I lost the will to live and I soon faded away because my powers didn't have energy."

My head started to ache by to kept reading.

"The wolf princess is and always will be the most powerful of all wolves. There is nobody stronger or intelligent. The pack leader can't even compete with her. So for guardians if there are 2 or 8 Important people in one place you only take care of the princess. If you don't she will feel neglected and loose power. Specially if she hasn't copied many powers."

My head felt like it would explode so I set the book down and then I passed out.


"Is she okay?" A girl's voice asked.

"Yes, she was just exhausted. Some sleep will fix everything" a mans voice replied.

"Thanks doctor"

I opened my eyes and was met by bright lights and Apink. They saw my eyes open and a wave of relief passed over them.

"Do you feel normal?" Ha Young asked.

The only thing different is I remember everything.

"Where's EXO?"




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