Main objective

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Chapter 2:

After that assembly, Yuzu leads us to Anzu's office. A school president has her own office? What a weird world we live in. As we were inside, Yuzu told us to wait for her. We are now sitting on three chairs, looking like generals, from the 1800s. Man, they're really out of budget, but I think I can work with this.

David: So...we're just gonna wait, again?

Javier: Being a general sure is hard work.

Ray: Yeah, sitting around, smoking cigars, doing paperwork. My dad told me about generals, is that their job is to send men to their deaths and they get credited for it.

David: That's just messed up, and we're generals! Does that mean we have to send men to their deaths too?

Javier: Cabron, everything is just for show, it is a sport after all.

David: Yeah, with guns, and tanks! How is this even legal?

Javier: It's Japan, duh.

Ray: Don't worry, guys, in the Philippines, we made generals fight as well. Mostly one or two stars, but our philosophy is that everyone must fight, even officials. I think the president attended a battle as well.

Javier: You're kidding.

Ray: I'm not! Our president literally fought!

David: Filipinos have big balls.

Ray: Hispanics in general as well.

Javier: Yay!

David: Hey, wait a minute, didn't a war started there?

Ray: Sure is, so severe they have to call in veterans. They didn't bother to get help with the UN, because they would just bomb the shit out of the Philippines.

David: Shit, man, I'm so sorry. Realising I'm Filipino as well, it hurts man.

Javier: Did you win?

Ray: We won, and we got a lot of stuff to fix. Bad news is, I...lost my father in that war.

David: Ooooh, sorry, man, condolences.

Javier: Now I see why. Your father died like a man though, right?

Ray: He was body blocking the president, I heard. That's not all though, as soon as the president was safe, a bomb was thrown. He threw himself on that bomb.

David: My god!

Ray: He is still standing after all that! I'm not lying! It's true! After he blocked that bomb, and the president, he then started blasting to protect their escape. And before you knew it, he was gone. His body was retrieved and...seems the insurgents were pretty pissed, cause he was unrecognisable.

Javier: Terrorism knows no bounds. Goddamn!

Ray: The president then issued a statue for him, on his hometown at Malabon. I still miss him, but it's the reason why I wanted to be a soldier. Me and Ivan, he's my brother. I know its risks, but I know the fun out of it.

David: Christ, man, didn't know you went through that much. Your father was tough as balls!

Javier: Scratch that, his father has titanium balls!

Anzu: You guys done talking about balls or what?

We all turned to Anzu, who was leaning against the wall. She wiggles her eyebrows at us as she went to sit on her throne. Momo came by her side.

Anzu: What were you guys really talking about?

Ray: Oh, just our lives and such, nothing personal, really.

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