Nice ASS

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Chapter 59:

[The caravan then leaves the headquarters, with a crowd of people cheering them on as they leave. Mixture of civilian and personnel. Ray instinctively waved as the other commandos do some poses on their tanks. Miho waved too.]

Miho: Wow, a crowd cheering us as we leave. I hope to see a crowd when we return too!

Ray: There will be a crowd, to celebrate our victory or to celebrate how far we've come. Hey, Anzu? Has that guy took process on our progress?

Anzu: That guy has been silent ever since you came here! I'm not sure what the hell his problem is, but he should know to lay off or I'll bring the dogs out!

John: Pretty sure if we lose, we won't get decomissioned. The carrier looks rich already.

James: It's a small carrier too.

Ray: We may be little, but we have big plans.

Simon: So Matthew is staying?

Ray: Yep, but he sees everything apparently. Kinda creepy but we could use someone to ask for help or advice in the headquarters.

Thomas: I have a feeling the tanks would be farther away. Due to having to stay at their HQ.

Ray: They did moved the Ratte out, but maybe they'll think twice before doing that again. We have a long way to go, prolly make it to the church at night. Plus we're...pretty far from the action so, who wants to tell some stories?

Anzu: Storytelling? Really? Ugh, kills the silence at least.

Ray: Andrew, you have that Zombie Exodius book, right? Why not read us a part?

Andrew: I'd like to, but please don't say it like that.

Erwin: Which chapter you got, Andrew?

Andrew: Hm... The Cathedral one... Huh... Ironic...

Miho: What is it with this world and cathedrals?

James: They look cool.

Yukari: Well, Andrew? You used to work for retirement homes, right? You must've read some stories to the elderly!

Andrew: They'll faint when I tell them the first part. Also, don't pressure me, I'm already doing it. Ahem.

Ray: Everyone, shh! We got a story!

Andrew: "In near darkness I stand, pressed against the damp side wall of the cabin. Thin rays of sunlight cut through the planks of the wooden wall. The zombie's low guttural grunts pierce the closed door nearby. My hands are empty, and as I feel around for a weapon, any kind of weapon, my fingertips glide through a pool of thin liquid. I raise my hand and smell blood. Outside, the zombie emits a shrill howl."

Azusa: Since it's almost turning night, this is a perfect setting!

Andrew: "I wait for what seems forever. Zombies are patient creatures. My mind wanders, I thought of the past months and how I got in this mess."

Anzu: This is actually not so bad.

[As Andrew tells the story and the crews which surround him are listening intently, let us switch over to the more active Western front. Setting out to scout, leaving the outpost to itself and Doug, Audie and Cutlass stumbled upon a checkpoint. There were several guards, there's even an MG nest. They hitched their horses hiding in plain sight as they figure out what to do.]

Audie: Okay, that MG nest is gonna be a problem, as well as those guards.

Cutlass: Look, an attribute-stimulant suit. One of them is wearing it.

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