We do have a plan

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Chapter 27:

Wearing a black denim jacket and rugged jeans for our date or stroll, we then went outside to...take a stroll. Seeing as my satchel can literally spawn anything, going to restaurants would be a waste. Holding each other's hands, while also greeting several MPs, we then sat down on a bench and ate a few snacks.

Yukari: I like how your burgers from your bag are much more tastier and delicious than here.

Ray: And more wider, as what good burgers should be.

Sayori: It was only following orders.

Yukari: You know... Ray... There's more to...what I said a week prior...

Ray: Oh really? Well, lay it on me then.

Yukari: I know you. Not in a creepy way, I saw you in the television. Something about a paintballer who takes things seriously.

Ray: I appeared in television? Wait... I think that was like two years ago. Before the paint nuke incident. Guess I was more lively.

Yukari: You didn't acknowledged your own fame?

Ray: I happen to ignore it. But I'm not famous here, but in America? Yes. I am, that is why I was able to host several paintball skirmishes. Even the famous ww2 event. I already told you that, and you saw the picture so...and I was a kid at that time and...continue...

Yukari: Basically, I'm a huge fan of your work. And it's pretty...pretty astounding that you're here...and I'm dating you so... *Squeals*

Ray: I'm dating a fan?... Huh... Which would explain why you would just ask me right out, but why talk to me about it now?

Yukari: I was supposed to tell you this on our date! I'm telling you this now because...we are on a date.

Ray: Why... I'm honoured of you being my fan, and I admire your bravery to ask out your idol like that.

Yukari: My bravery led me to several other friends. Who knew confidence was the key to success.

Ray: And a downfall if you have too much confidence.

*Both of them laughed and continued eating. After they finished, Ray put the scraps in his bag, awkward silence followed.*

Yukari: Hey, Ray? What happened yesterday?

Ray: You brought back useful information, that's what.

Yukari: No... I... Still have trouble comprehending what happened at my house... You predicted me falling over and you dived? You cushioned my fall and...and... It's like a superhuman.

Sayori: *Winks at Ray*

Ray: I...just knew you were gonna fall, and I wouldn't want you to hit your delicate head. I promised your father I...would keep you from harm, you know?

Yukari: You promised?... You promised...

Ray: I rarely do promises, but...but I did...and look where it got us.

Yukari: I never got the chance to tell you 'thanks'...even if it's such a little thing, you just...dived right in like in some movie or something!

Ray: Well...you're welcome, that's all I have to say. I'm just looking out for you, Yukari...

Sayori: *Whispers* You mean a lot to me.

Ray: You mean a lot to me. (Wait what?! What did I just say?!)

Yukari: *Shocked. She gasped and smiled, eyes widen* I... I am?! *Ruffles her hair further as she blushes* Oh gosh! I never knew! I feel so special! Thank you!

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