Dan x Reader

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You were both cuddling up together in a field. The two of you managed to get away from everyone and were relaxing. Youd convinced him to take his armor off so you could snuggle up without hitting your face on metal armor.

You laid on him and closed your eyes as he ran his fingers through your hair gently. You smiled and nuzzled into him. It was dark outside but the two of you had brought oil lanterns. He was your lover and nothing could ever seperate the two of you. He gave you the best kiss he could and you smiled. "I found the love birds!" A familiar voice said with a snicker. Dan pulled you close and glared at Tim. "Oh come now, I only came to check if you were dead." Tim said as he tried to not snicker. You sat up as Dan did and blinked in confusion. He pulled out his enchanted sword and Tim booked it. Dan sheathed the glowing sword before pulling you back into his warm embrace once more. You were both inseparable. Though the teasing did get obnoxious real quick.

(189 words)

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