Chapter 42

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Stella's POV

We were watching Harlow sleep when my stomach growled.

Kelly: Why don't you go get some food and drop by the house to grab our stuff.

Stella: I don't want to leave.

Kelly: Bring some food and you can take my turn-outs while you are at it.

Stella: Okay fine. I love you.

Kelly: Love you too.

I kissed him on the lips and kissed Harlow on the head before leaving. I got in my car and drove to the house. I grabbed Kelly's turn-outs and walked to the app floor. When I got there I put up our turn-outs and walked to our offices avoiding the common room. I grabbed a few things that Kelly needed and then made my way to mine. I grabbed my phone charger and some other things. I was about to leave when I noticed all the blood on my clothes. It was Harlow's blood and it brought everything back. I took a breath and sat down on my bunk and finally let the tears fall. I don't know how long I was crying when Gabby came flying through the door. She scooped me up and let me cry into her shoulder. It was my baby and she was hurt. I couldn't even save her she was going to be in the hospital for a week and a half and even after she is able to leave she is barely going to be able to walk for a while after that. It was heart-breaking and it killed me.

Gabby: It's going to be okay.

She kept telling me that it was going to be okay, and I knew in the back of my mind that she would be because she was incredibly strong, but it still killed me. I slowly collected myself and pulled away from Gabby.

Stella: Kelly and I are going to need a few weeks off.

Gabby: I will tell Matt.

Stella: Thanks. I told Kelly that I would bring food so I need to get going.

Gabby: Understandable. The guys know you are here if you want to stop by before you go.

Stella: I have to grab my prenatal vitamins from the fridge so I will say hello.

Gabby: We are all here for you.

Stella: I know.

I grabbed our shift bags from the locker room and then went to the common room to grab my medicine. When I walked in it was like I was a stranger in my own house.

Hermann: You're here?

Stella: I had to drop off turn-outs and grab some things. I am going back to the hospital now.

Hermann: Do you need anything?

Stella: We're good, but I will let you know if anything changes.

I headed out and grabbed some food before going back to the hospital. When I got there Kelly was no longer laying with Harlow instead he was sitting in the chair beside her bed.

Stella: How did you move without waking her up?

Kelly: Maggie came in and gave her some melatonin so she would sleep tonight. Said that she would be in pain around three if she didn't give her any.

Stella: I grabbed you some food and a change of clothes.

Kelly: You should change as well.

Stella: Yeah. Um I will.

Kelly: How are you doing?

Stella: I'm fine.

Kelly: I know you better than you know yourself. I know you are not fine.

Stella: It hurts I didn't even know that it was her until I checked her pupils. I didn't even know that she was hurt. Mothers talk about knowing when there kid is not okay and I didn't have a single feeling.

Kelly: You were saving people all day you didn't have time to think about anything else.

Stella: But she should have been the first thing on my mind and instead it was how many kids am I going to have to dig out of that fire. I was a horrible mother today, I couldn't even calm her down when she was in pain.

Kelly: You can't take it out on yourself. If you want to be mad at someone be mad at someone other than yourself. What has been the one thing on your mind since you found her down there?

Stella: Harlow and Haven.

Kelly: Both of our daughters were the one thing on your mind and that is exactly what excellent mothers think about.

Stella: It's weird to say our daughters.

Kelly: I'm glad all of my girls are healthy.

Stella: Okay I'm going to change.

Kelly: I will sit with her until you are done.

I changed and then climbed into bed with Harlow and fell asleep.

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