Chapter 46

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Stella's POV

I helped Harlow get in the car and she was not her cheery self like she normally is. I am worried about her, but we have to go to PT to hopefully get her on her feet soon. I pulled into the hospital and helped her get out we had been here enough in the past few months to know exactly where we were going. Harlow led the way and we met her physical therapist at the front desk.

Dr. Shane: How are you Harlow?

Harlow: How I always am.

Dr. Shane: Are you ready to start.

Stella: I will be out here waiting for you.

April: Hey I had to come by to see how she is doing.

Stella: She is tired of it all and just wants to be able to run and jump around. Kelly and I are a little worried about her, but we are trying to keep our spirits up.

April: This is the hardest part of the recovery process. They don't feel like any improvement is happening so they want to give up. Keep reminding her that she is making progress and encouraging her. 

Stella: Thanks for the advice.

April: Anytime.

I waited until she was done and then I helped her in the car. She had tears running down her cheeks all the way to the firehouse and it broke me as well. When I pulled up I got out and went around to help her out.

Harlow: I thought you said we were going home.

Stella: We had a change of plans and I wanted to see how the guys are doing.

Harlow: I don't want to go in.

Stella: You were begging me to bring you here and now you don't want to get out.

Harlow: Can we go home?

Stella: Nope come on we are going to see your dad.

Harlow: I don't want to .

     I looked into her eyes and I knew that she was hurting more than both of us knew. I texted Kelly to come get her out of the car and he was coming towards us a few seconds later.

Kelly's POV

Kelly: Hey babes how was PT?

Harlow: It was fine. I want to go home.

Stella: I need to check on the guys and grab my phone charger and then we can leave.

Kelly: Why don't you come inside.

Harlow: I don't want to.

Kelly: The twins and Louie are inside. I know they want to see you.

Harlow: I don't want to see them.

Kelly: Why not?

Harlow: How long until mommy is back.

Kelly: Alright we are going inside.

Harlow: No.

Kelly: I will carry you, but you have to come inside.

Harlow: I don't want to go inside daddy.

Kelly: Guess you leave me with no choice.

I unbuckled her from the car and grabbed her walking on the app floor. She dug her head in my shoulder and didn't let anyone see her face. I took her to my office and sat her down on my bed.

Harlow: Look mommy is done we can leave now.

Kelly: Why don't you want to see the guys?

Harlow: I have a lot of homework tonight can I just go home?

Kelly: See now you are avoiding the topic. What is wrong?

Harlow: What if I'm never able to walk again.

Kelly: Oh Harlow you will walk again it is just going to take some time.

Harlow: How much more time. It has been a month since and a half since I ran.

Kelly: I don't know how much more time it will take, but I know that both your mom and I will be with you the whole time no matter what.

Harlow: Thanks daddy.

Kelly: I love you babes.

Harlow: I love you to daddy.

    I scooped her up in my arms and took her to the briefing room where Stella was checking out the board.

Stella: Okay I'm ready.

Kelly: I will walk you out.

     I walked them out and put Harlow in the car before watching them leave. It killed me to leave Stella alone with her especially now that she is seven and a half months pregnant, but I knew it was what we had to do until Haven is born. It was around four that Chloe brought Milo bye and the whole crew got to see him. Milo was born a few months ago and Chloe and Cruz have adjusted to having a kid pretty well. It reminded me of when Harlow was that little and I was excited to have Haven in my arms in a few months. We didn't have any other calls for the rest of shift so I went home the next morning and laid next to Stella. 

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