Chapter 55: Summer Special

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"(Y/N)... (Y/N)..."

Someone gently shook my shoulder, and I groggily cracked my eyes open.

I blinked blearily, attempting to adjust to the change from the darkness of my closed eyes to the mild early morning light.

Squinting against the light, I brought my hands up to rub at my eyes, before pulling my covers over my head and turning my back to the light.


The covers were pulled away from my face, and I groaned.

"Come on, (Y/N)."

Suddenly, I was shaken briskly one hard time, and jolted awake.

Blinking away the fog in my eyes and flicking the sleep out of the corners, I glared at Todoroki.

"What is it?" My voice was flat.

"I have an idea."

"Can it wait 'till later?"

"No. My old man won't let us leave if he knows. But he's asleep right now."

I sighed. "What's your idea?"

"Well... I heard that people do fun things and go out during the summer."


"Would you like to do that?"

I paused.

What did he mean?

What did he want?

What was he insinuating?

Is this a date? Is he trying to ask me out?

Warmth flooded my cheeks as I flushed in embarrassment, and I pulled my pillow over my head.

"Wh-what are you saying?"

My voice was muffled by the pillow, but he heard me anyway.

"Let's go to an amusement park!"

There was such excitement in his voice, that I slowly pulled the pillow down off my face to peek at him.

His eyes were practically sparkling with excitement.

What's up with him acting so out of character?

"I don't think the amusement park is open this early."

The light in his eyes faded, and I immediately felt guilty.

"I'm sure we'll figure something out. How about this: you leave so I can change, and then we can go out to get something for breakfast. Hopefully by then, the travel time will make up for the remaining time until opening, and we can go on some rides. What do you say?"

He had already left the room.

Alright then.


"Here we are!" I declared, displaying the shop with an over-the-top hand gesture.

Mr. Shimizu's coffee shop.

The words, "Open from 7am to 10pm" were written on the door.

I ushered him to follow me in.

As I stepped in I realized that this might be a bit of a mistake.

He wants me to date his son... but I'm bringing a boy with me to get breakfast.

Mr. Shimizu exited the back room as we entered the shop.

"Hello, Mr. Shimizu."

"Hello, (L/N)! How are you?"

"I'm good, thank you."

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