Chapter 56: Not Today

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(Nope, no BTS here. Sorry to disappoint 😂)

"UA High has finished its first semester and started summer vacation. However... those of you trying to be heroes will not receive days of rest. At this summer training camp, we'll have you aiming for even greater heights— for 'Plus Ultra'!"

"Yes, sir!" We chorused.

I was undeniably excited.

Training camp? Where Pro Heroes helped me become a better hero?

Sign me up.

I stood next to Todoroki, and the moment that Mr. Aizawa finished, I turned to him.

"Are you excited?"


"You don't sound excited."

He looked at me blankly.

"I'm kidding! But really, if I had to guess what you were feeling based solely on your voice alone, I'd probably fail 9 out of 10 times."

"I-it's time for training camp! Training camp! Training camp!"

Uraraka cheered, hopping from foot to foot.

Her face was incredibly red.

Ashido and Kaminari joined in, and they chanted and clapped.

"What? There are people in Class A taking extra classes?" Monoma said dramatically in fake surprise. "Does that mean you had people who failed the finals?"

I walked over to him, mimicking his expression and pose. "What? Monoma is messing in Class A's business again and making himself feel better by putting us down?"

I made an exaggerated, dramatic gesture with my hands. "Does that mean that his insecurities are getting the better of him?"

I dropped my act. "Not today, b*tch. I'm too excited for this to let you come and get me down with your bullsh*t. I'm sure you're a good person —somewhere deep, deep down— but save your badmouthing for the actual bad guys." I chopped the back of his neck Kendo-style, catching him by the back of the shirt.

Kendo, who was just about to stop him, glanced at me in surprise, but took Monoma from me with an awkward smile. "Sorry."

I smiled, gave Awase a small wave, and turned to walk back to our class.

Over my shoulder, I called, "Once he wakes up, tell him to try again when I'm in a better mood for his antics. Maybe he'll get farther through his rant!"

I returned to Todoroki.

"Oh, it's Class B—"

"We kind of met during the sports festival, but it's nice to meet you, Class A." A friendly looking girl with green hair and eyes said to us.

"Yeah." Another girl agreed.

"We're getting on the bus!" Kendo called out to them.

"It's nice to see you all too! We'll see you at the camp!"

I could hear Mineta muttering like a creep, but Kirishima shut him up. "That's about enough out of you."

"Class A's bus is this way!" Iida yelled to us. "Line up in seat order!"

We got onto the bus. I ended up sitting next to Tokoyami, with Todoroki sitting in front of me and Bakugo behind me.

I hate aisle seats...

Soon we were on the road.

"Everyone, the bus will stop once in about an hour. After that—"

"Let's play some music!" Kaminari interrupted.

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