Oh no

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After much attempts, he had finally found it.

Tsushima Shuji.

Reborn sat in one of his many hideouts in the school. It took a while- a little longer then he hoped, but he had  managed to find pieces of information on that seemingly familiar man.

From what he had heard through his wiretap in the Sawada household.

The man introduced himself as 'Shuji' .

That was an easy start.

;Tsushima Industries;
Reborn has heard of them before. To be more frank, he had carried out hits on that company before.

That industry is made up of multiple shareholders mainly based in japan, but later due to an incident, there were only three surviving children of the head household.

Many conspiracy were formed and were later ended when the 'Culprit' was captured weeks after.

This man is from that family, and is mainly left to basically do whatever he wanted as the youngest son.

Mainly because it was the eldest whom took over the company.

From what information Reborn could optain, suspicion began to form as holes appeared within the timeline.

Besides the connection to his family, this man did not have much information at all. Did the remaining family really not care this much?


You'll never know what's happening when it comes to family drama.

Reborn felt that he may have seen the man during one of his missions...

That will definitely explain the familiarity.

Yet he can't shake off the feeling that he is missing something. Something more.

His intuition told him that there is something happening behind the scenes.

Soon he found a small trail of information on Shuji's flight. He had come from Yokohama and rented an apartment here in Namimori.

Shuji clearly has no intention of staying permanently, so where is he going afterward?

He isn't financially unstable.

Perhaps traveling around?

Surprisingly, the man had rented an apartment a few blocks down. Fairly close to the Sawada household. Too close for comfort.

Reborn had made sure to checked, and it seems to be a coincident. The land owner had a real nice timing to rent an apartment out.

But what caught Reborn's attention wasn't the apartment, but instead, was that Yokohama is not the base of the Tsushima Industry.

So Shuji must have moved there, or travel to Yokohama then afterwards to Namimori.

The more Reborn thought about it, the more he couldn't help but be intruged.

This person surely have something hidden.

Finally, after digging deeper around. He had finally found that the plane ticket was booked under an Agency's name,

And it is one based in Yokohama.

Reborn smirked, he had found a new vital piece of information on that man.

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