Are you serious-?

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The boy knows.

That expression is enough for Dazai to figure out what was going through the kid's mind.

Was his personality crumbling down?

No way. 

He had been acting like this for so goddamn long, Dazai knew no one could pick him apart. 

Not even he- himself could do that anymore. 

So how can this young boy seen through it so easily? 

I need to be careful. 




Currently, Shuji found himself in a clinic nearby. The panicked Tsuna had brought him here to check on his head injury. 

Soon after, Reborn told them that they were going to be late for school. The three went running off for their lives towards the campus. While Reborn stayed behind. 

"It is a mid-concussions. You're lucky it wasn't any worse, Sir." 

Luckily they only needed to patch up Shuji's head soon, and there wasn't any heavy bleeding so there wasn't a need for.. any more bandages. The Doctor could only assume the reasons why the patient is covered in them. 

The doctor huffed, taking a double take on Reborn.

Before asking if the infant was Shuji's younger brother or somewhere along those lines. 

"He is an acquaintance's tutor." 

The doctor didn't believe it one bit.

His mind starting to think that the man had slightly more brain damage then he initially thought. 

Reborn was fairly amused to say the least. 

"Why did you say so?" 

No sane person would say such.

After all, in the eyes of normal society. An infant being a tutor is impossible. 

"Hm? But it is a truth, isn't it?" 

Reborn can't deny that answer, a smirk formed on his lips. 

Perhaps Tsushima Shuji isn't such a bad person- despite the seemingly suicidal mentality. 

And No.

Reborn isn't going to ignore that fact either.

After all, the Guardians of his student needs to be on top of the charts. And he'll make sure of that.

Having a person running towards death does not give a good impression, but Shuji seemed really open about the supposed sensitive topic.

Even his reaction when he was saved supports that theory. Shuji didn't thanked them for saving him, nor did he deflected and openly confessed to what he was doing. 

So just what kind of life did this man led to have such a mentality?

Among all the record he had seen. There wasn't any reason for the man to act out like this.

The Hitman should have research more on that aspect as well.

But firstly, he had the Ring Conflict to worry about.

"Tsushima, You still have the ring I gave you. Right?"

Shuji stared at him for a moment, letting it sink in his brain.

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