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"Now is not the time to jump into a fight. Reborn-san."

Dazai huffed as he skims his fingers through his hair. "I believe that there's more dire situations out there then this." And they both know what that is.

"Soo~ This is the famous machine.."

The device responsible for this future adventure is in front of them.

They can finally return home!

But that decision itself has yet to be made.

To go back to the past and live their present, or stay in the future and right the wrongs.

Tsuna wants to go back-

Back to his mother's side, back to Namimori.

To be back Home where its safe and sound.

He is sure that his Guardians would agree, the future has been nothing but hell that has nothing to do with them.

All the fighting and bleeding...

Their eyes glance up to the giant machine.

They can finally escape this-!

"Hmmm~..." a voice perks up. "If that 'so, I guess this is where we part ways."

The familiar voice seemed to slap them out of their thoughts. The detective- be wants to stay in this hell of a future?

"Eh-? Shuji-san... You're going to stay here?"

Tsuna didn't knew what came over him. There was something putting pressure onto his throat, against his stomach.

Something was struggling him.

The brunet didn't knew why but he heavily detest leaving this man here alone.

Just drag him back or something.


Let's knock out and drag Shuuji-san unconscious body back if said man refuse.


Even Reborn's threat didn't seemed to work. The hitman instantly knew that it had something to do with the Element itself.

The boy was unconsciously leaking out his flames.

Its practically the Sky's nature to accept its Elements. Protecting them is part of that role as well.

Reborn wouldn't be surprise that Tsuna grew more protective over Shuuji, seeing that the bond with that man snapped.

But... Shuuji should have died...

So how is he still bloody alive???


Shuuji pointed to the detectives standing a few feet behind him.

"As a fellow Detective, I can't abandon them." Shuuji puffed his chest like a prideful peacock. "As the senior detective, I must be a role model to them!"

The boss immediately took it the wrong way- Not that he would noticed it himself.

Tsunayoshi found himself cleansing his fit tightly. Even though he may just be another person on the streets to Tsushima Shuji, but to Tsuna.

This man somehow managed to become someone that Tsuna held close.

Someone important.

He understood Shuuji's want to protect his friends but-

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