Chapter 3: Team Dark

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Raichu: Guys, you may wanna look at this.

Eggman: Ho ho ho ho! Greetings world! Another Grand Prix is set to begin!

Meowth: That's right, uh... King Doc of Toreggmania!

Glameow: What in the world is a Toreggmania?!

James: You think you're fast, grab your Extreme Gear and prove it!

Jessie: The winner gets a disgustingly large scale cash prize, and a midsized mountain of treasure.

Eggman: Don't expect it to be easy! You'll be racing across the world, through hill and dale, from simple circuits to challenges of mind-numbing complexity!

James: Hurry up now, the opening ceremony is starting! Don't be late!

Omochao: Did you folks hear that?! Big news! There's no WAY you can pass up a challenge this juicy! Hurry up, grab those Gear, and c'mon down! And I'll see YOU at the races!

Shadow: We shall go and check it out.

Raichu: Couldn't agree more, Shadow.

At the ceremony

Omochao: Well folks, the World Grand Prix is at long last set to begin! The pavilion is filling up with riders from around the world. Covering the competition live, I'm your eyes in the sky, Omachao! Let's start with a peek at the opening ceremony. Huh? By my count we're one team short! What could possibly have come up to keep them from the ceremony?! Hmm... Aha! There they are! Shadow, Raichu, Rouge and Glameow... Which means the missing racers were Team Dark!

Rouge: Would you pipe down?

Glameow: We're only here to collect the cash prize. Until the first race starts, we're off the clock.

Omochao: What are you talking about?! The opening ceremony started over fifteen minutes ago!

Shadow: I've no interest in these formalities.

Omochao: I guess not everybody here is as excited as me... Now I feel kinda self-conscious for getting all excited before.

Shadow: Pageantry aside, we're here to win. You can be sure of that.

Raichu: Teams consist of racers of speed, flyers, and powerhouses. I suppose you don't count Pokémon as racers.

Omochao: Where's your third teammate?

Rouge: Don't worry about us. The two of us can handle this just fine.

Omochao: That's not the point! The rules say that teams all have to have three members, or else they're disqualified!

Raichu: You could join us, Omachao.

Omochao: Me?! I can't join you! I'm supposed to cover the race, not risk my neck out on those courses!

Rouge: Fine.

James: Hey, twerps! Maybe he can even your team!

E-10000B: Are you addressing me? I was just heading over to...

Rouge: Great, so long as you're free, you can enter the race with us. Any objections?

Shadow: Looks tough enough to me.

Glameow: Cool.

Raichu: I have a funny feeling about this fella.

Paul: You all serious about this?

Storm: I bet they're here to collect the prize for "Participation."

Alain: With a team they put together on the spot, I doubt they'd even get that.

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