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A loud bell chimes as I make my way into Muffet's bakery. It's a new pastry shop that popped up after the monsters emerged from the underground. It has a comfortable atmosphere and I find myself continuing to return here, despite the Anti-Monster mobs that tend to swarm outside.

As I slip into line to get my order taken, I overhear a rather loud conversation between two skeletons.

"But Papy, I wanted to get the BOTH of the new special pastries and a spider drink." A small skeleton exclaims loudly.

"Sorry, bro, they're too expensive." The taller skeleton replies.

I watch them as they place their order and into some stools nearby.

"Can I take your order?"

I flush and glance towards the skeleton monster before replying, "Uhm, yes, I'd like a like and a scone, please. Oh, and I'd like to order the two new special pastries and a spider drink... For them, please."

"Will that be all?" The spider-lady smiles widely.

"Yes, thank you." I slide her my card.

I sidestep the line and head to a secluded table into the corner back, opening a book to read.

I relax cautiously as my latte arrives and blow on it gently.


I freeze and glance up as the two skeleton monsters plop down in front of me.

Unsure of what to do, I murmur a faint, 'hello', in reply.

"Thank you for ordering this for us!" The small, blue skeleton exclaims and I glance between the two of them.

" problem."

"I'm The Magnificent Sans, and this is my brother, Papyrus!"

"Sup." The big skeleton begins pouring honey into his drink.

"...nice to meet you." I frown, kneading my thighs with my knuckles anxiously.

"That's enough!" The small, blue skeleton snatches the honeys from the bigger one's grasp. "You shouldn't have so much of that stuff! It's bad for you, you know!"

"... it's good to enjoy the sweet things in life." I comment.

"Heh." I feel the taller one's gaze on me. "Exactly."

"Still. I don't think it's right." The one named The Magnificent San huffs.

"...right..." I mutter, glancing away.

"So, what are you reading?" The blue one asks, peering at the title.

"The picture of Dorian Grey by Oscar Wilde. You know, murder... Corruption... Beauty... And the allure of youth. It's a very good book."

I slide it towards the blue skeleton, allowing him to inspect it excitedly.

"Wowie! This is really cool, human!" He beams at me.

"I mean, you haven't even read it yet, but ok." I take a sip of my latte.

"Well, if you like it then I'm sure it's great." He slides my book back towards me.

"...right..." I try to maintain a friendly expression.

"So, why're you here all alone?" He questions.

"Well, I used to be too..." My vision flashes with a memory of a woman crushing pills to sneak into my food. "... anxious to visit cafés. But Muffet's bakery is really nice. It has a homey atmosphere to it. And recently, I've started reading while hanging out here, which is really nice."

"Wowie!" I feel my eye twitch. "That's really great, human!"

I gaze at the extroverted skeleton with a frown. Just my luck. I have to talk to the monster who acts totally fake towards me. I mean, there's no way that he's this excited. And why is he so interested in me, anyways.

I stare into my latte before deciding to ask, "Is there anything that I can help you two with?"

"Well, yes, actually," The Magnificent Sans' smile widens. "We're actually kind of homeless right now because no humans are willing to house monsters."

My gaze hardens into a glare as a raise my hand for him to pause. "Wait, who to you that I offer room and board?"

"You do?! Wowie, what a coincidence. You see, I was just wondering if we could spend the night but--"

"How do you know me?" My regard flicks anxiously between the two of them.

"We don't. But--" The blue one starts up again.

"...but, you want to live with me?" I interrupt, suddenly feeling oddly tired.

"We can pay you in gold."

I remain silent in shock.

"We also have six other friends that need food and board."

I gawk at the pair.

Finally coming to an intuition driven decision, I mutter a faint 'ok'.

" and your friends will pay rent each month and live under my rules. Give me your phone,"

The blue one bounces with excitement as he slides his cell over to me.

"If I wish to kick any of you out I will. Promptly and without argument." I type in my address. "You will visit me this evening at 5pm for further discussion. You will have to pay extra if you wish for me to cook. This is all non-negotiable."

I return the skeleton's phone and down my latte before standing.

"I suppose that I'll see you tonight."

I don't glance back as I stand up and leave.

Offering Room and Board to a Bunch of Rowdy SkeletonsWhere stories live. Discover now