But Wait, There's More

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As I sit at the table anxiously, I realize that I have made a horrible mistake. I decided to offer room and board to six complete strangers. Monsters, none the less!

I had decided to offer up my house for rent when my father had left it to me with all the extra space. I was desperate for cash because my only job was being a writer, and not a very good one...

A loud knock at the door breaks away my worried thoughts as I stand to open it.

Everything is going to be be fine. It has to be.

As soon as I open the door, a tall, red skeleton bursts into my kitchen followed by a smaller one.

I wonder if all skeletons come in pairs of one short and one tall.

"I Told You This Place Would Be Rundown, Sans. And Dirty, Too." The taller skeletons sneers at it's surroundings as I shut the door behind him.

"Good evening, sir." I greet him quietly.

"Oh," He turns slowly towards me. "And You Must Be The Pathetic Little Human That Lives Here. Ever Heard Of A Broom."

I remain quiet as he runs a gloved ringer across my table and inspects it for grime.

"Pathetic." He finishes, as I gaze at him in shock.

"Uhm... Ok," I attempt to search for a response. "And how would the two of you liked to be referred to as? Mr...?"

"I Am The Great and Terrible Papyrus. Esteemed Royal Guardsman." The tall one hurries to respond before the shorter one can open his mouth.

"How lovely, sir. You must be very proud." The tall one doesn't eyes narrow at my sarcastic tone. "And you, sir?"

"Red." Comes the response.

"I'm sorry?" I tilt my head in confusion.

"Call me Red." The short one finishes curtly, and I can tell that my conversation with him is over.

"Right," I feel my eye begin to twitch before another knock at the door sounds.

"Yes?" I open the door to find another pair of oddly similar skeletons.

"We're the new tenants?" The short skeleton greets me this time and I step back to allow him in.

"Pleasure to make your acquaintance, Sir. What is your name?" I ask, searching internally for the remainder of my patience.

"Sans. Sans the skeleton." The short gives me a lazy wink.

"And you, sir?" I turn to the tall one.

"Oh, You Don't Need To Call Me, Sir. Though, I Can Guess Why You would Be Tempted To. After All, I Am The Great Papyrus." The tall one exclaims cheerily.

"Habit," I shoot back dismissively before pausing. "Wait, I thought that guy was Papyrus?"

The tall one lets out a nervous laugh before informing me, "A silly prank. He's Edge. I'm Papyrus."

I frown as my mind begins reeling with all the new information. Another knock on the door sounds.

"Coming," I turn and open the door again. "Yes, come in..."

I step back and another pair enter.

"But... Milord," The tall follows anxiously after the small one. I guess all skeletons arrive in pairs. "Are you sure that this is a good idea?"

"Are you doubting me, you worthless Mutt?" The small one glances to each skeleton in the room. "Edge."

"Short version of me." Edge sneers in reply.

"I didn't quite catch that, flagpole, could you repeat yourself?" Milord snaps.

"Flagpole?!" Edge repeats with venom.

"Oh, well I was going to call you lamp post but you aren't very bright, are you?" Milord snarks, gazing up at Edge as Edge attempts to swing at Milord, only to be held back by Red.

I open up the door as the last pair of Skeletons arrive.

"Papyrus, Sans, welcome." The two skeletons stiffen at the exhaustion in my voice before glancing around me to the right that's broken out.

"Time for introductions, then..." Papyrus murmurs faintly.

Offering Room and Board to a Bunch of Rowdy SkeletonsWhere stories live. Discover now