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"You can call me Stretch." Papyrus begins before I interrupt him.

"You told me that your name was Papyrus."

"You've... Uh... Got a good memory there, kiddo." He lets out a nervous chuckle. "Just... My name is Stretch. And uh... This is my brother, Blue."

"You said that his name was Sans." I frown.

"I lied to you." Papyrus cuts me off.

This was off to a great start.

"The is Red, Edge, Milord, Mutt, Sans, and Papyrus." Stretch gestures to the remaining skeletons.

The gaggle of skeletons wait for my response.

"...Right. And all of you are able to pay rent?" They nod. "Good. One of you will be staying in the basement. I live in the attic. Three rooms are just down the hall on the first floor. Four more upstairs. Take your pick."

The skeleton's disperse as they begin picking out their rooms and I enter the kitchen in search of caffeine. Insomnia really does wreck the body, and the migraines don't help my mood... Still, perhaps this won't be too bad.

I pull out a mug with forget-me-not flowers printed across it's side.

Maybe this will be really great.

I stiffen as I hear a crash from upstairs.

"Is everyone ok?" I race up the stairs to see the group surrounding a broken vase.

"It was an accident!" Blue exclaims.

"Guess that you're going to have to join the host club." I inform him.

"What? Oh no!" Blue panics before I place a hand on his shoulder.

"Just kidding," I pull my hand away and allow my gaze to sweep across the guilty-looking skeletons.

"Mine, miss... Uh..." Papyrus steps forward.

"I guess that I haven't told you guys my name yet," I realize. "It's (y/n)."

"I'm gonna go grab a broom. Have you all had dinner?" They shake their heads 'no'. "Head downstairs to the kitchen and start thinking about what to eat. I'll get this cleaned up for you, Papyrus.

Offering Room and Board to a Bunch of Rowdy SkeletonsWhere stories live. Discover now