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The ice cold wind blew a hard breeze towards the cats which were effortlessly climbing what seemed to be a huge mountain. Their dark green eyes glowed like a beacon in the dark, attracting cold breezes and scuttling rocks, however the cats ploughed onwards through the black and unfriendly night. After a while, one of the cats decided to speak up. "Bloodstar? Are we nearly there? My kits can't walk much further..." meowed a she-cat quietly "Burning kit especially looks tired... What if they fall? What if... What if they-". She was cut off by a huge red muscular cat who stopped and turned.

"I know we are tired. We are all wary of this new territory. But we are Deathclan and Deathclan cats go on until they die. We are near the end of this journey." The tom said, his dark green eyes glittering cruelly. He flicked his tail and the cats padded forwards again, quietly mumbling complaints and protests. Their paws dragged on the warm rock beneath them as they neared the destination. The cats were not happy, they were tired and wary of this new territory. For all they know, it could be inhabited by something already. Thinking this did not help. It only brought back all of their memories of the previous night. Last night they were plodding slowly  up a steep part of this "mountain" when one of the elders slipped. Its was Crackfoot, he slipped and fell off. The other elder, Withertail, bounded down to help him. Crackfoot grabbed her paw as he began to fall, pulling them both down. The rest of the clan were too tired to go back down to see if they were even still alive.

"The loss of our elders has hit us hard... May they rest in peace with Starclan..." Bloodstar murmured softly "Let's move quickly now. We don't want anymore deaths". So the cats had no choice but to force themselves onwards, towards wherever Starclan had sent them. Now, they began to see a red glow coming from the top of the "mountain". When the cats reached the top they stopped to rest. 

"Lionfang take Flintfur and Sleekpaw to scout ahead." Bloodstar meowed, his voice full of the strain and pain of being so tired and still not being able to rest "I will watch over the clan." The three cats nodded and dipped their heads. They bounded down the inside of this strange "mountain". Later they returned and Lionfang talked to Bloodstar about what they saw.

"We saw at first what seemed like blood, but was actually some sort of very hot fire..." Lionfang meowed "When we touched it the fire didn't burn us... What does this mean?"

"It means we are meant to live there. I shall therefore name this mountain the bleeding mountain." Bloodstar mewed like it was so obvious a kit could have known. "Cats of Deathclan. We will leave for our new home tomorrow at sunhigh. Be ready." The next day, the cats moved on with determination and the eagerness to see this new territory. Lionfang had reported that there were no signs of life, so it would be a safe camp. Creamtail was very content with this setup because she said the kits couldn't escape camp and they would be safe from hawks and eagles. This made most of the cats cheer up. A moon later they were setting up the camp. The nursery was a small carved out cave, which was surrounded by rocks and inside there were beds of small sticks and stones, stuck together by the fire. The leaders den was underneath a large overhanging rock and the den was hidden by a small stone wall with the same bedding as the  nursery. All the dens had that same bedding. The warriors den was a small cave of rocks built by the cats and stuck together with the fire. The elders den was another cave, like the nursery and the leaders den. The apprentice den was the same as the warriors den except smaller, with a little passageway leading to the training area which was a large cleared out space. Finally, the medicine den was another cave with stone shelves where Flamejaw stored her herbs. It was covered by burnt tendrils of lichen, as was the leaders den.

"This is now Deathclan territory. May any cat from any other clan die horribly if they ever set foot here!" Bloodstar yowled, many of the warriors cheered alongside him. Their yowls rang out through the night, echoing Bloodstar's warning.

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