Chapter 2

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Frustrated, Burningkit knew this was still supposed to be one of the happiest moments of her life. Her eyes narrowed as she watched Bloodstar pad up the Highrock with perfect grace.

"Tonight we are gathered here because a kit must be made an apprentice." Bloodstar sighed "No matter how dark the prophecies are, we must make this kit an apprentice, I suppose... Burningkit shall now be known as Burningpaw until whenever she becomes a warrior. Obviously we all hope she will just die somehow. Her mentor is Sharpstep."

Burningkit touched noses with her new mentor, stopping herself from making crowfood out of Bloodstar. He will pay... She thought Oh he will pay dearly... 

"Burningpaw? Are you okay?"

"What? Oh yes, of course." she meowed unconvincingly "I... um... Never mind."

"You were just starting to burn... Must have been a mista-" Sleekpaw was interrupted by Lionfang who narrowed her eyes at Sleekpaw.

"Do not talk with that one. She is not your business." Lionfang hissed to Sleekpaw "Move along, or you will have to pick... Oh yes we have no elders..." The old warrior's eyes clouded with sorrow as she recalled the incident that happened a few moons ago.

"I... Come Sleekpaw..." Was all Lionfang was able to say as a tear slipped down her muzzle. Burningpaw watched Sleekpaw scramble after his mentor with a dark look on her face.

"Training starts tomorrow. I expect you to be ready. Hey furbrain, are you even listening?!"

"Yes. I was listening. I'm off to bed so I have energy to train tomorrow. Oh, and don't call me 'furbrain'. It's old now." replied Burningpaw modestly. She padded away with her tail high and her muzzle pointed upwards. 

Later that night, she woke again in the Dark Forest. The cats she longed to see were not there. Only their spirits were visible. These spirits were darker than the blackest shadow. For a while there was a deafening silence. Burningpaw stood her ground bravely, preparing for a surprise attack of some kind. Then, her questions were confirmed as a large cat jumped on top of her. Burningpaw wrestled wildly with the cat until she had them pinned to the ground. However, another cat charged into her from the side and caught her off guard. Burningpaw was pinned to the ground, but she would not give up. She scratched the pale grey belly of the cat on top of her who screeched in pain. Burningpaw was then able to swiftly dodge her next attacker. This cat was harder than the other two cats combined. This cat was able to plan her moves, swiping terrifyingly close to Burningpaw's nose. However, she closed her eyes and began to use her fire. The cat's dark green eyes widened in fear as she began to yowl with the pain of being burnt. Yet she began to laugh in a loud and horrible way.

"Well done dear. Now let's learn some better moves." meowed Mapleshade with a kind smile. Burningpaw smiled proudly and replied "I'm an apprentice now! I deserve to be a warrior. Perhaps there is a way to make me one early?"

"That's the spirit! Remember, you have to show that you are ready to protect your clan." mewed Mapleshade happily. She was clearly pleased by Burningpaw's thirst for power and importance.

"Farewell young apprentice." meowed the cats who had taught Burningpaw so much. Burningpaw bid them farewell before waking up. It was Moonhigh so she decided this was when she was going to create the danger which would give her the warrior name she deserved.

When the camp stirred from their sleep, they saw the one thing which strikes fear into the hearts of the bravest leaders. Fire! However, one cat was sitting in front of the fire. The one cat the whole clan hated: Burningpaw. She seemed to be fighting some kind of fire spirit, Burningpaw clawed at the spirit until it collapsed. Burningpaw stepped on to the Highrock grinning proudly, expecting to see faces of shock, awe and amazement. Instead, she saw a wave of anger, horror and disappointment.

"I have saved you from the one thing only I can protect you from. I wish to be made a warrior." yowled Burningpaw to her clan.

"Very well. I will make you a warrior." meowed Bloodstar who dipped his head. Burningpaw's eyes lit up with hope and her heart began to feel warm and fuzzy.

"Burningpaw is now Burningoak." mewed Bloodstar dismissively. Burningoak's heart sank again. She sat her silent vigil in complete silence. Burningoak was happy she was a warrior, but was angry that she would never be loved. That night she made a vow: I will kill Bloodstar and destroy everything he loves or die trying! Burningoak's eyes burned with a dark fire which could destroy the universe. Her claws unsheathed and her muscles tensed. 

"The prophecy has been fulfilled." meowed the Starclan cats who were watching her "We cannot save her or Bloodstar."

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