Chapter 3

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Burningoak gently dropped a vulture onto the fresh kill pile before padding towards her brother.

"Hi! That fire spirit you fought - it was really cool! I wish I could do that too." meowed her brother in awe of Burningoak and her power.

"Thanks. I... I needed that." mewed Burningoak with a small smile "I have a plan. When the lion sleeps, the birds will come and peck at his bones. Sorry if I spoke in prophecy language. Can't have anyone knowing."

"Don't worry. I know what you said... Just... Are you sure?" Shadowpaw replied nervously "We could be banned if we get caught... Or killed even."

"We can't be banned if there is no cat to banish us." meowed Burningoak with a dark glimmer in her eyes "The deputy is too old, he will die tonight or he will die later. It depends where he is standing at the scene of the murder."

"But... If I do this, tell me one thing: where did this dark side of you come from? What happened to the friendly, brave and awesome sister I know?" mewed Shadowpaw sadly "What happened to the sister who loved me?"

"I've been having advanced training." Burningoak replied truthfully "They promised me a life of strength when I was a kit. They taught me well, they became fond of me. I basked in their kindness and love."

"Starclan taught you wow I had no-"

"No of course not! The Dark Forest obviously!" she snorted. Shadowpaw stared at her with his jaw wide open. Burningoak just smiled and flicked her tail in Shadowpaw's face as she padded into the shade of the warrior den. Shadowpaw shook his head sadly and retreated to Nightpaw and Darkpaw.

Later, Burningoak crept silently towards the apprentice den and saw all five apprentices glaring at her. She looked at them and tutted to herself.

"Such a shame. I used to look up to some of you. I used to love some of you. Yet now I stand above you. You shall be punished for standing in my way!" hissed Burningoak as she clicked her claws three times. A flame sparked on the tips of her claws. The apprentices stared in horror as she began to lift her paw upwards and point it directly at them. Fire began to burn them and they yowled in pain and fear. This attracted the attention of the whole camp.

"Perfect." whispered Burningoak as a crowd gathered around the flames . She slipped into the shadows of the camp as more and more cats arrived. Burningoak began to pad towards Bloodstar's den, getting quicker and quicker. Eventually, she paused at the lichen which covered the entrance. It was hung in long, withering tendrils and shaded by a wall of rock with seemed to glow with darkness. Burningoak strode in and saw Bloodstar sleeping silently on his rocky bed. She unsheathed her claws and slit his throat. Burningoak watched Bloodstar bleed onto the floor of his den. She grinned as she watched him. She found it very satisfying. However, Bloodstar's star began to glow with a bright white light which blinded Burningoak and she screeched in anger as Bloodstar began to breathe again. He stood up with an expression of utmost anger and hate. She stumbled backwards in fear and confusion.

"Silly fool. Leaders have nine lives. Now, now I can finally banish you. Get rid of you." seethed Bloodstar through heavily gritted teeth. He bashed Burningoak's head with his large paw. She fell to the ground, her head spinning.

When Burningoak came to, she was lying in a circle of piled rocks which had gaps in-between. "Where am I?" she meowed tensely "What's happening?" Her strong glare was gone and had been replaced by fear and confusion.

"The prisoner is not allowed to speak in her voice of venom." replied a dark voice

"Darkpaw? Is that you? I'm sorry! Tell my brother... I was just overconfident... Please!" mewed Burningoak desperately "Please..."

"After what you did? No way. You burnt my paw! If you want to apologise to Shadowpaw then you can do so in Starclan." Darkpaw hissed "Oh, and I'm Darksight now."

Burningoak's eyes filled with sadness as she heard about her brother. He was so young... she thought What have I done?! 

"All cats strong enough to kill some cat, gather beneath the Highrock for a clan meeting." yowled a deep voice "Last night, one cat killed her own brother, burned her friends and attempted murder on me. She had not known about a leader's nine lives, so she took one of my lives. Four of my lives remain. For these wrong doings, she is banished permanently  from Deathclan. Darksight and Nightbreeze could you release the prisoner. She will no longer stay in these parts." The two cats she had known for so long released her, with looks which could have killed her. Darksight had a burnt paw and a scorched eye and Nightbreeze had a crooked jaw. They forced her forwards into the sea of glares and hisses.

"I'm sorry... So sorry... Please forgive me!" Burningoak yowled in desperation "I was badly influenced... I'm sorry..."

"Silence! You are to leave at once!" Bloodstar hissed "Lionfang, Sharpstep and Sleekswirl will escort you to the border."

"Wait! Can I go? I really want to go!" meowed Nightbreeze quickly "Please?"

"Very well. Sharpstep, stay here." Bloodstar mewed. Nightbreeze approached Burningoak with Lionfang and Sleekswirl. They formed a triangle around her with the two young warriors infront and Lionfang behind. Burningoak padded slowly up the slope which led to a small opening in the rock above the camp. She climbed out of the hole and saw a huge dip in the rock which was full to the brim with a hot red substance that was leaking over the edge of the Bleeding Mountain.

"I'll escort her from here." meowed Nightbreeze firmly. The other two warriors dipped their heads and ducked back through the hole. Nightbreeze continued to walk next to Burningoak until he pushed her into a large cave.

"Hey! What was that for?" grumbled Burningoak

"So that no cat sees us. They will kill me if they find out." 

"Kill you for what? Imprisoning me forever? I guarantee you'd be made the new deputy after that."

"No. They'd kill me because... Because I love you." mewed Nightbreeze warily. Burningoak's eyes widened then narrowed.

"Is that so?" she meowed "Because I might be killed for loving you too." Nightbreeze's eyes lit up and he nuzzled Burningoak affectionately. She rested her head on his shoulder and looked at the stars. Perhaps the prophecy wasn't so dark after all.

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