Chapter 7

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Dagger licked his paw gently, staring through the trees.

"I know we went up it before... But never in it..." Dagger mumbled

"It'll be fine. Just follow me I know where to go." Burningoak meowed plainly. She was wondering what would happen... Would they succeed? Or would the adventure end here? Burningoak turned towards Socky who was padding towards a large rock. He lifted his head to face the cats.

"Time for a story." he mewed. The cats shrugged and gathered around the rock.

"There was a time when I was a kittypet. I got a message from a friend, they needed help. Me, Coco and Smokey set out to save her. She joined us, but we lost her in the battle against Venomstar. I was a great leader... Then Dagger came. He was a young warrior. Only 4 moons old! I took him in, cared for him. We had a friendly fight, he won because I let him. Then... The cats said they needed him for leader... I was old... Not clever anymore... All that because I lost a playfight. It... Broke me... I went insane. Now... I'm grappling to keep control of myself. And I just wanted to say... If I die tonight... Just think about me. Remember me... Just so I know I'm still cared about." Socky trailed off at the end, his voice hoarse. He padded to a small shrub and hid behind it. Burningoak was encouraged by the cats around her to go see him. She followed his steps. Burningoak heard sobbing... Socky was shaking, his tears turning the earth below him to mud... She had never see a cat cry before. Burningoak stood there dumbstruck. However, she heard a soft voice next to her... 

"Shadowpaw?" she mewed quietly. Her brother was standing next to her. 

"With this life I give you kindness. Use it to comfort, encourage and lighten hearts." Shadowpaw meowed softly. Burningoak felt a warm surge of happiness and kindness. She padded up to Socky and rested her tail on his back.

"I've felt that way before, no cat cared. But I found cats who truly did care. You have to search deep, into your heart, through the cold and the dark. Then you will see, no cat is ever alone." Burningoak soothed. Socky lifted his head and turned to face her. She saw his tear-soaked face.

"You-You're right... M-maybe there is a cat who cares... Maybe..." he mewed shakily. Socky stood up and brushed his face with his paws. 

"I'm ready to fight." he meowed firmly. They walked back into the clearing.

"Let's get moving!" Burningoak yowled to the cats. Coco nudged Smokey who looked up, jumped and rushed off to fetch the cats.

"Goodbye Socky and good luck." Smokey whispered to him. Socky dipped his head and set off back the way they came. The small party of cats were able to travel the rest of the way mostly in silence. 

Later, when they reached the top of the mountain, Burningoak saw Lionfang. She was glaring at them. However, she was on her own. An easy kill. Burningoak stepped towards Lionfang, her eyes narrowed.

"Halt, young one." came a smooth voice from behind her. "I am Flamestar, leader of Fireclan. Bloodstar is a tyrant, who thought he deserved the Mountain of Fire. So he decided to kill me for it. He stole you, my mate and my clan. Many of my clan died, but he kept you. Bloodstar knew you had a power. When he found out how it would be used... He stopped playing the nice parent. It is likely he has now killed your mother too, child. She was the prettiest cat I could have ever seen... And the greatest warrior too. Together, we had you and your brother. I had never seen anything more beautiful than my family... We were so perfect... Until Bloodstar came.

"With this life, I give you strength and courage. The strength to go on, even if the world is ending around you. The courage to protect your clan, even if the clan is gone and only your enemies remain. Use this life well..." Flamestar stood back and time resumed. Lionfang was growling and hissing.

"You've got some courage runt. Comin' back 'ere. I was jus' punished for your friend's crimes." Lionfang seethed. Blinded by rage, she leapt for Burningoak who closed her eyes. Fire licked her sides and her paws. Burningoak leapt upwards and crashed into Lionfang who yowled in pain.

"Young-Youngster... I am old and battered. Bloodstar is old, but he has the strength of the entire... Entire Dark Forest." coughed Lionfang. Her bulky body collapsed, wheezing and breathing in jagged gasps. A few minutes later it slowed to a stop.

"Lionfang? Lionfang... Lionfang is gone..." Burningoak hoarsely meowed

"You haven't gotten rid of me yet!" came a sharp voice. Lionfang was sitting next to Flamestar, her pelt shining with stars. They disappeared and an extra star appeared in the sky.

"Goodbye Father." Burningoak murmured "Give me luck."

"We should get going, ma'am." Dagger whispered to her. Burningoak nodded and flicked her tail. The cats crept silently through the hole and down the slope. She signalled for them to stop and she padded onto the Highrock.

"Hello, Bloodstar."

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