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"Hey! Why are you rubbing my boyfriend?" I said walking in my classroom with Jade as I see a random girl rubbing her arm in Beck

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"Hey! Why are you rubbing my boyfriend?" I said walking in my classroom with Jade as I see a random girl rubbing her arm in Beck

"I just--I spilled coffee on—" Jade cut her off "Get away from him" she demonstrate "Relax" Beck smiled coming towards me and kissed my cheek

"Oh, my God, there's a huge fire!" Sikowitz came in his classroom yelling. Everyone screamed and ran around not knowing what to do. While I just laughed at everyone, "Kidding. Kidding, just wanted to get your blood pumping, which I did, except for one-- Ha!" He said pointing at me "All right. Now, let's get started. Rumps in chairs"

"He's our teacher?" The girl asks Andre as he nods, "Okay, first, I'd like to introduce our new student, Tori" Sikowitz started as he pointed at Tori as everyone clapped while I glared the back of her head "and I'd like to thank Tori for her generous guy of two dollars. Which she handed me outside this morning. Not necessary, but much appreciated" He said showing the money

"Why'd you give him two dollars?" Andre asked "I thought he was homeless" Tori replied

"Now, today we're going to continue our study in group improv. Tori, I assume you're familiar with Improv?" Sikowitz ask "No"

"Okay, crash course. Improv, acting without a script which means the actors must make up their own actions and dialogue as they perform the scene, understood? Excellent!" Sikowitz cut Tori off before she said anything "Jade, you will captain the first group of the day. Choose your actors" Jade got up the stage and called out the people she wanted, "Cat, Eli, Beck, and Tori"

"Okay, let's give 'em a place"

"Home" Robbie called out "Home" Sikowitz repeat and wrote on the board

"Ooh, real creative"

"You be quiet. Ow!" Robbie complained as Rex hit him

"And now we need a situation"

"Big news" Andre says "Andre, Nobody wants to see big nudes" Sikowitz told him "News" Andre repeated "Oh, well, that's different. Big news" Sikowitz went to write on the board

"Uh, why don't you go wait in the hall" Jade told Tori "Uh, okay" Tori said walking in the halls

"Okay, at home, big news, and action!" He yelled as went to the back

"Hey, how was work today?" Jade asks Beck "Uh, I got fired" He replied "Oh"

"Again?" Eli asked "it's okay. I have great news that'll cheer up this whole family" Jade said walking towards Tori

"What is it?"
"Tell us!"

"I went to the animal shelter and got us... A dog" Jade dragged Tori up the stage

"Uh, yep" Tori said awkwardly standing there "I'm the new family dog. Woof"

"Sikowitz, will you please tell this amateur that dogs can't talk and that they don't walk on two legs? Sikowitz!"

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