Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 16: Rᴏʙᴀʀᴀᴢᴢɪ ᴘᴛ.2

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"No, I don't think it's going to rain" Robbie told Rex as he walked in the school "Hey, Robbie" A dude said with a light skin girl beside him "Robbie"

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"No, I don't think it's going to rain" Robbie told Rex as he walked in the school "Hey, Robbie" A dude said with a light skin girl beside him "Robbie"

"Oh, hi"

"Theslap.com" The guy said pointed at him "That thing you did in Tori was hilarious" The girl told him "You liked my pimple piece?" Robbie act shocked


"Thanks" Robbie said very happy and the two kids left as Robbie turned around to walk away other guy talked to him as he went down the stairs, "Oh, hey, funny stuff on the slap.com"

"You liked it?"

"Uh-huh" Rex hummed looking at Robbie basically telling him 'I told you so'

"Hey, Shapiro" Clayton - I believe is his name idk I'm just doing my research here - called out "Over here"

"Please don't embarrass me" Robbie mumbled at Robbie "You're the embarrassment in our relationship" Rex sassed

"Hi, you guys" Robbie said as he walked towards the group "Listen, I put a new piece up on the slap last night–"

"Robbie" Clayton interrupted him in his rambling "We're not kicking you off the slap" Jana told him "You're not?" Robbie asked surprised

"Dude," Clayton started "that piece you posted about Tori's pimple..."

"My pimple post?"

"Tons of views so far" Jana said

"It's trending," Alex tell him

"For real?"
"Yeah. You keep posting stuff like that, you can be on the slap as much as you want"


"And if you need any help, we'll let you boss around the ninth graders" Jana said

"The slap apprentices?"

"Whatever ya need"
"Great work, Rob"
"Keep it hot"

All three of them walked away and Robbie looked at Rex, "I'm a bit!" He said excited "Heh-heh, yeah"

"Robbie!" Tori called out angry "You're about to get hit"

"Oh" Robbie began to run away but Tori caught him, He squeals "Oh!"

"Uh, hey ya, Tori. How are things?" Robbie asks nervously but Tori just glared at him "I see you're still rockin' that chin zit" Rex said making Tori form a fist "You hit me, I'll Sue"

Tori sighed, "How could you post that video if me squeezing my pimple?"

"You told me to make my blog about the students, the stuff that goes in their lives" Robbie reasoned "yeah, not the stuff that grows on my face!"

"But, it's really popular"

"I told you to do stories about what's going in students lives, not to embarrass and degrade people" Tori started "I mean, seriously, is being popular that important to you?"


"Welcome to 'Robarazzi' starting Robbie Shapiro" The computer says as everyone in our group but Robbie watch Robbie's channel inside the blackbox theater "Robazzi, your home for up-to-the-minute, tasty gossip about the students at Hollywood arts 'Robarazzi starring Robbie Shapiro"

"Oh, my god" Tori said as the Robbie - In the computer - stopped talking for a second "Coming up on 'Robarazzi', Tori Vega's Pimple—Shrinking or Growing?" Tori touched her face. Beck begging to reach forwards "Don't touch it" Tori slapped his hand away

"Also, does Andre Harris have a ketchup problem? Hmm?" Everyone looked at Andre with a confused face as he looks at us confused as in why we are looking at him "Does Sinjin van Cleef steal famous teeth? Probably" Andre, Jade, Beck, and I nodded as saying 'maybe, it's Sinjin after all'

"Is it spiltsville for Beck and Aurora?" I almost spit my coffee out with my eyes wife's as Beck laughs. But I didn't notice, "All this, and tons more on... 'Robarazzi,' starring Robbie Shapiro"

Tori leaned forward and paused the video "He's a dead man" Tori said standing "Beck and I aren't spitting up" I said pacing

"Well..." He started "Dude..."


"I use an appropriate amount of ketshup" Andre said as well "Let's go fix this right now" Tori suggested getting her bag.

We all do the same thing and left the Blackbox theater. Cat stayed behind looking at the Sky store magazine, "Cat, are you coming?" Tori asked turning around looking at her. Cat gasp, "Oh, my god! Underwear that floats!" She closed the magazine and began looking at her phone to probably order it. We all just left her there on her own world


"Okay, what do we got, what do we got?" Robbie asked his crew, not Tori and the others, I guess you can call them Robarazzi - Duh - as he slurps on his bottle "um, I got cat receiving another order from that Sky store catalog thing" A blond, Long-haired, kind of surfer guy started "Whoa, isn't that like her fifth delivery this week?" Robbie asked them "Yeah, chick's outta control"

"No doubt"

Robbie shrugged and turned around to look at the TV behind him, "No! There were supposed to be two packages" Cat said - In the TV - "I only got one" The delivery guy told her. Cat sighed and check the tablet he was holding, "It was supposed to get here on—Hey, why are you shooting this? Cat asked as one of the 'Robarazzis' "Who are you with?" She began to step forward to the person behind the camera


Cat ran away from the guy

"Ooh. Girl's got a problem" Robbie said writing down Cats 'problem' on the board "No doubt"

"And, uh, I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that's probably not her natural hair color" Robbie said making everyone laugh "Funny stuff, Rob" A guy said with an notebook. Robbie smile widely and pointed at him, "Okay, what else we got?" Right when Robbie said that Tori and group barge in the room


"I don't use any more ketchup than the next guy" Andre said angry

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!" Robbie exclaims "Come on, you guys, we're in the middle of the taping my show"

"Beck and I are not 'Splitville'"

"Is there something you wanna talk about?" I turned my head, glaring at him "Kidding"

"Uh, are you guys getting this?" Robbie asked the people who are holding cameras "Cause this is really great stuff"

"Robbie! You're not gonna have any friends left if you keep exploiting us for your dumb blog" Tori told him "Okay, we have Tori; F–haha–reaking out" Robbie said writing it down on the board

"is he serous?"
"This is ridiculous"

We all started talking all at once arguing and some other people started arguing with us too "Stop!" Tori yelled "This is your last chance" Tori told him calming down

"Are you gonna stop this Robarazzi thing or not?" She asked loudly. Robbie looked at all of us in our eyes


"Coming up in 'Robarazzi,' Tori, Andre, Beck, Jade, Aurora all caught on a psychotic rampage." Robbie announced in the video Tori is watching in her house. He showed a video of us all arguing at him in slow motion. Tori shaked her head with a look of disbelief "is anyone safe?" Robbie asked making Tori growl. Literally

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