Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 12: Tʜᴇ ʙɪʀᴛʜᴡᴇᴇᴋ sᴏɴɢ

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Tori was sitting on the stairs of the school with her computer looking what to get for her sister since it's almost her birthweek

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Tori was sitting on the stairs of the school with her computer looking what to get for her sister since it's almost her birthweek

"No. No. Ugh, no. Hey! No" Tori said "Hey Tori" Cat greeted "Hi" Robbie said behind her

"Ah. Hey, hi"

"Whatcha doing?' Cat asks "Thanks" Tori said obliviously not paying attention to them. Cat looks Robbie and shrugged while shaking her head

"Hey, What up, girl, you got a numb tongue?" Rex asks Tori looks up at him "All right, That's a time out, Mister" Robbie said putting Rex in his backpack as Cat helped him

"No, no time out. Don't you put me in the backpack. I'm serious, Rob"

Andre walks in thru the door, "Hey, what goes on?"

"We're gonna go get some iced coffee" Robbie answered "I thought Caffeine makes you vibrate" Andre told him "Sometimes it's nice"

"Oh, a massage helmet" Tori said out of nowhere "A stylish helmet that massages your head. That sounds fun, right?"

"It could be"
"Oh, it should"

"No, it's awful" Tori said giving up

"I have helmets"
"That's not good if an idea"
"It's a bad thing"


"Why is she all–" Andre started to asked but got cut off "Cause it's only three days until Trina's birthweek" Tori explained as Cat sat down next to her putting her arm on her shoulder

"Her birthweek?" Cat asks "You mean her birthday?" Robbie asks

"Yeah, you don't know my sister" Tori said "She thinks one day isn't enough celebration so she calls it her birth week. Now, If I don't get her an amazing present, I'm gonna have to listen to her complain about it for the next six months"

"Alright, Alright, chill down. We'll help you through this" Andre says as he takes off his backpack and sat down on the stairs as well


"The perfect present for Trina"
"Something Amazing"

"Just get the massage helmet" Rex said inside the backpack making Tori kick Robbie's backpack "Oh, my ribs!"


We all, except Beck, was in lunch eating either talking to each other, spacing off or working

"Suggestions for birthweek presents for Trina" Tori said as she typed it down on her laptop "Okay. Andre, start us off" She said looking at him as Jade was cutting her fries with scissors while Sinjin stared at her.

"Cheese" Andre told her while looking at the others until he saw Tori's face, "Let's not do cheese" He said disappointed


"Lotion" He suggested "Or Various lotions"

"Gross. Cat?"

"Well, for my last birthday, I thought my parents were gonna get me a bike, but when I got home from school, my brother was trying to cut off his hair so my mom started yelling at–"

"Jade" Tori interrupted her blabbing

"Yeah?" Jade asks stop cutting her fries "What should I get Trina?" Tori asked her

"Talent" Jade simply said going back to cutting her damn fries. I pointed at her meaning 'She's right'

"Oh, Jade is so pretty" Sinjin daydreamed making Jade stop once again "Three, two, one" Sinjin rushed out of our table to somewhere else "Does anyone have a good idea about a present for trina?" Tori said being really impatient with this task

"You people give me a rash" Jade said as We both got up from the table leaving "A rash? What kind of rash?" Rex asks.

Robbie phone rings, "Ugh, it's my grandmother again" Robbie complains "Who else would call you?" Rex fired "Shh. Hi, Mammaw. Ugh, another computer problem?" Cat giggles "No, Mammaw, I was not being sarcastic. Mammaw, Don't–What?. Mammaw, don't hang up on me"

"What's your grandmother bugging about?" Andre asks him "She bought a stupid computer and she can't figure out how to work it, so she calls me like every four minutes for 'tech support'" Robbie whined

"Ah, that's cute" Andre smiles "It not cute. I was at her house for three hours last night and I have to go back again tonight" Robbie tells, "Oh, will one of you come with me?"

"Sure, I love old people" Cat joins in "It's so cute how they shake when they pour their juice"

Tori laughs, "You know what that makes me think of?"

"What?" Cat asks
"Nothing" Tori raised her voice "Now what am I gonna get Trina for her birthweek?"

"How about a bobblehead that looks like me?" Sinjin asks coming up behind her, he started flicking the bobblehead

"My dad's a cop"
"Moving on"


"Are you ready for this?" Tori asks Andre really excited she finally found a present for her older sister "I don't know. I can't see" Andre answered as Tori have her hands covering his eyes

"Look it"

"Shoes?" Andre said confused "Boots" Tori said hitting his head "Fazzini Boots"


"Trina has been dying for these" Tori explained "I had to go to 11 different stores before I could–" Tori got cut off by the door opening showing her sister "Hello"

"What's up, Trina?"

"Okay, what had two thumbs and is already having a fantastic birthweek?" Trina asks holding a thumps up, Tori shrugged "This girl" Trina shimmy shakes "check out my kicks" She got up the table and showed the same shows Tori bought for her, Fazzini Boots

"Fazzini Boots"

Tori face fell, "Got 'em at Simone's on sale" Trina added while turning around "Aw" Tori crossed her arms with a sad face "Oh, don't be sad" Trina told her "You could borrow 'em, after I'm dead" Tori rolled her eyes at her, "Mom, I got Fazzini Boots! Mom... Mom!"

"You're gonna have to come up with another present" Andre stated "I know that" Tori raised her voice at clearly upset that her present for her sister is not a choice anymore

"Got a cheese guy that could put together–"
"I'm not giving her cheese"

"Maybe I should just give up and accept the fact that I'm not gonna find anything good and Trina is gonna hate me for the next six months" Tori insisted

"I can't believe you hit me in the head" Andre said rubbing his head, Tori looked at him and whined, "Help me"

"All right, how about a song?" Andre suggested

"A song, as a present for Trina?" Tori said "yeah. You can write it, perform it yourself, you know, do it up real big" Andre elaborated

"That's not bad" Tori tell him "That is—I don't know how to write a song"

"Think—what has two thumbs and know how to help a friend write a song?" Andre said holding two thumbs up

Tori shrugged

"This guy"

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