Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 10: Aᴜʀᴏʀᴀ ᴅᴜᴍᴘs ʙᴇᴄᴋ ᴘᴛ.2

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Tori and Trina was playing virtual tennis until Trina hits Tori with her tennis racket making her fall to the floor face first "Tori, you messed up my shot" Trina complains

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Tori and Trina was playing virtual tennis until Trina hits Tori with her tennis racket making her fall to the floor face first "Tori, you messed up my shot" Trina complains

"I don't wanna okay anymore" Tori said getting back up rubbing her head. The doorbell rang, "Ugh, you get it" Trina said walking away. Tori walks towards the door opening it. As she opened the door she saw Aurora with tears in her eyes holding a kite "Aurora?"

I walked right inside without her consent "And now you're in my house"

"This kite is broken" I said with sadness in my voice, holding the kite with my left hand. "Okay... And?"

"I was just walking around, and I saw this kite stuck in a bush, and—its broken, someone needs to fix it" I said some nonsense "You want me to fix your kite?"

"Will you forget about the stupid kite?" I asked throwing the kite to the floor and kicked it "I'm sorry I brought it up"

"I want Beck back" I cried "But you broke up with Beck" She said

"I know. Just like when I was seven and I threw away my potato patch pal, but them I realized I wanted him back but it was too late, cause my mother already gave it away to some greedy orphans" I sat down in the couch and cried

"Aurora, if you wanna get back together with Beck, then why don't you just tell him?" Tori asks "I did, but he rejected me"

"Um, not to be mean, but why are you coming to me for help?" Tori wonders

"Because I don't want anyone who's cool to see me like this" I said like it's obvious "Okay, maybe you should— wait, are we friends? We're not even friends"

"Well, yeah, but if you help me, maybe I'll like you" I whine "so, if I help you, I get a mean friend and a broken kite?"

"Please, just please, talk to Beck for me" I beg as I grab a pillow that was on the couch and put my face in it and cry

Tori didn't know what to do so she just patted my head "Okay, okay, okay, I'll talk to Beck"

"Do it soon" I sigh and sniff. I look down at the pillow and saw all my mascara on it "I got a little makeup on you pillow" I said with a soft voice

"That's okay" Tori grabbed the pillow "I'll just ask my grandmother to make me another one. If she ever comes back to life"


"Push the button by the door, sweetie" Beck's mom said to Tori as She walked her way towards the RV Beck was living in "Okay, thanks" Tori pressed the button that supposed to be a doorbell

"Who is it?!" A women inside asks "I know that's you, Beck" Tori said. A women opens the door making Tori look at her confused. She walked out the RV with cleaning materials "Thanks, Consuela" Beck said as she turns around "De Nada!" She said before continues waking away

Beck leans on the doorways and look at Tori "Enter" He said, She looks at Consuela then at Beck shaking her head before walking inside his RV

"So, this is where you live?" Tori asks as she looks around "Is that bad?" Beck asks as he runs his finger through his hair looking at her "No, it's cool, it's just, you know, most high school guys don't live in a RV parked on their parents' driveway" Tori chuckles

"Well, my parents said I'd I live under their roof, I gotta live by their rules" Beck said shrugging "Ah, so your roof.." Tori trails

"My rules" Beck finishes "So..."

"So, you're probably wondering why I'm here. Like, 'hey, Tori's here, whaddup did day?'"

"That's how I talk?" Beck questions eating an apple "No, that's just my generic boy voice" Tori replies "Ah, I like it. Do more" Beck tells her with an mouth full of apple sitting down

"Okay. Um, 'Hey man, why don't you get back together with Aurora? You know what I'm saying? Yeah'" Tori asks in her 'Generic boy voice'

"I should get back together with Aurora?" Beck asks "Uh huh" Tori nods


"Cause she's, you know, awesome" Tori said not knowing to what to actually say "Guess what?" Beck said "What?" Tori asks

"I'm glad Aurora and I broke up"

"Because I can't remember the last time she did one nice thing for me" Beck respond "Oh, come on, didn't you just have a birthday? She didn't get you anything for your birthday?" Tori asks, Beck walked towards Tori still holding his apple

"She got me a can of lemonade" Beck said serious


"Cause he like lemonade" I told her when she asked me why I gave Beck a can of lemonade for his birthday "Yeah, but our of a can?"

"He drank it" I reasoned "Yeah, but–"

"Do I have a boyfriend or don't I?" I asked impatient "Do you want one?" Sinjin asked me when he heard me "Walk away" I told him and he did

"Help me!" I whined as Tori got a fruit punch from the machine "I tried. Maybe you just need to forget about Beck" Tori said, I started to stutter and I went to grab her hand and drag her to the janitor closet

"And now we're in a closet" Tori said as I flick the lights on as I lean on the door starting to cry "How can Beck not want me back?" I asked "I'm so cool, and hot. I've got it all" I slid down all the way to the floor "Yeah, but guys don't just care about how cool and hot you are"

"Well, what else is there?"
"Beck said you haven't done one nice thing for him in two years"

"That is so not true" I cried "We've only dated a year and eleven months"

"Well, maybe he'd take you back if you did something nice for him" Tori tried "You mean, like make him fresh lemonade?" I asked looking at her, she rolled her eyes "If you want Beck back, your gonna have to think bigger than beverages"

"A dog" I pointed at her as I tell her "Okay, if you're gonna be rude..."

"No. No, Beck's always saying how he wants a dog. A...a rotten-hymer" I said but that sounded off "A Rottweiler?" Tori corrected

"Yes, that's what he wants. Okay, what's our next move?" I asked "Just get the boy a dog!" A random man said "Go, go out" Tori said, I bend down to get my purse and walked out with Tori behind me "Out now, run"

AURORA || Beck OliverWhere stories live. Discover now