Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 18: Fɪʟᴍ ʙʏ Dᴀʟᴇ Sǫᴜɪʀᴇs

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We all, But Robbie yet again, was sitting in the Blackbox theater waiting for the teacher

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We all, But Robbie yet again, was sitting in the Blackbox theater waiting for the teacher. "Okay, if you had to give up the internet or one of your feet?" Tori questions

"See ya, Foot"
"Goodbye, Foot"

"Really? You'd all give up a foot to keep the internet?" Tori asks "Totally" Beck said "Wouldn't you?" Cat asked "You love the internet" Andre told her "I know, but my foot is a part of my body. And the internet is... Yeah, bye, foot" Tori agreed putting her feet down. The bell rang and the teacher came inside

"All right, future superstars, take your seats" The teacher said coming in the class "Because at this point in your lives, I am in charge of you"

"Come on, hurry up. Let's not waste time. We've got some excitement today"

"Yay! I love excitement" Cat clapped "Who doesn't love excitement?" Tori asks "Damien" Cat pointed at the guy beside Tori "She's right..." Damien said slowly turning his head at her "Tori"

Tori moved her chair more away from him "Okay. So today, instead of discussing the differences–" The teacher got cut off by Robbie coming in the Blackbox Theater catching his breath, "Hi. Sorry I'm late, sweaty and out of breath"

"Somebody get me some coffee" Rex said "Robbie, just sit down"

"Why are you late?" Cat asks "Cause my uncle Marty gave me this old car, which I was really psyched about, except it keeps breaking down" He explained sitting down beside Beck "And on my way here, the motor died in the middle of a really bad neighborhood. Now, don't get me wrong. I like all people, but look, A mean guy took my left show and rex's" He said lifting up his foot and Rex's

"Put my foot down"

"Okay. Let's all shut up and let teacher talk. Now, I bet you are familiar with the short film called 'Butterface'" The teacher said

Everyone agreed, "Oh, my god, I've watched that movie online, like, a billion times" Tori said "Yeah. Who hasn't?" Jade said with her legs still on top on my lap "Well, I'm glad you're all aware of the film" The teacher said "Because if like you to meet the director of 'Butterface'–"

"No way" Andre said surprised

"Don't tease me" Jade told him "A former student of mine, Dale Squires" He said pointing beside him and Dale came out

"Okay, Dale, the podium is all yours"

"Nice. I've always wanted a Plexiglas Podium" Dale said making everyone laugh "Uh, what happened to your shoe?" He ask Robbie "Oh uh, it was taken by streets toughs"

"Hey, is it true you're gonna be directing Johnny Depp's new movie?" Tori chimed in "Uh, looks that way, yeah" Dale answered making everyone talk to the people beside them

"That even excites me" Damien stated. Everyone moved farther away from him. The Theaters door opened,

"There he is. Oh, my god, there he is" Trina said excited. People that wasn't on our class started to talk all exited to see Dale

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa" The teacher exclaims "What is going on here?"

"Cat sent out a mass text message that Dale Squires is here" Trina told him making people behind her shout in excitement

"I love mass texting" Cat said raising her hand up with her phone

"Come on, come on, come on. Hey! Hey guys! You can't–"

"Hi, Dale!" Trina waved "I hear you're directing the new Johnny Depp movie and guess what? I'd be perfect. Here's my head shot"

"Hey, hey, hey. Hey!" The teacher shouted "If you are not in this class leave"

"Yeah. Yeah, you heard the man. Go on. Get out. Schoochie. Hey"
"You too, Trina"

"But I'd look so good next to Johnny Depp in a movie" Trina told him "Please, Dale?"

"Tori, Can you make your sister leave?" The teacher asked "Trina stop embarrassing me or I'm gonna embarrass you" Tori warned "Don't threaten me"

"When Trina was six, our family went to the mall just before Christmas,"
"Don't say it"
"–And she peed–"
"...On santa Claus"

Trina whined and looked at the teacher then she turned around and ran out the Blackbox theater

"Thank you, Tori. Dale?"

"All right. What were we talking about?" Dale queries but Trina popped her head through the door, "In all fairness, I did have a bladder infection" She stated



"So that's why I went with a handheld camera. I wanted to give it that panicky, jittery feel, you know?" Dale said and everyone muttered an agreement, "I love that panicky, jittery feeling" Cat said "And it was totally brilliant how you didn't even see his wife in that scene" Tori told him

"Yeah, cause it made you think, like, 'Where is she?" Andre said "Well, to be honest, she wasn't in the scene because the actress who played the wife got food poisoning and was puking in the bathroom" Dale explained

"But, hey, I'll take brilliant"

"One time, I ate a hamburger and then, like, an hour later, I started sneezing, but I don't think it had anything to do with the hamburger" Cat told one of her weird stories "Maybe your red hair Dye seeps through your scalp and into your brain" Jade teased "Can that happen!?" Cat said touching her head

"So, Dale, why don't you tell my class why you're here?" The teacher asked "Yeah" Damien agreed

"Well, Chris asked me if I'd help you guys make a short film, kind of as a class project" Dale told the class making everyone starting to murmuring

"And you'll direct it?" Tori asked jumping up in her sit "Is that cool with you?" Dale said "Uh, that's very cool with me, Dale Squires. So what kind of movie are we gonna make?"

"I don't know. I was thinking something maybe intense, scary"

"Like Jade and Aurora?" Rex said and started to laugh making Jade hit him with her book knocking out 'unconscious'

"Oh! You knocked him Unconscious" Robbie said "He deserve it" I told him as I laid back more in my sit as Beck rap him arm around my shoulders

"Hey, Beck, maybe we could rework that one-act play you wrote last semester?" The teacher asked, Beck nodded, "Yeah, I'd be into that" He leaned forward

"Oh. And I talked to a guy in the Biz, He's gonna let us use professional file cameras, lights, whatever we need" Dale said

"Where are we gonna film?" I asked as I cross my arms, Tori yelps and raises her hand, "We can shoot it at my house" She insisted

"All right. I think we're making a movie" Dale said and everyone cheered

Trina popped out of nowhere, "I created this photo of me and Johnny Depp together, so you could see what we might look like–"

"On Santa Claus!"
"Bladder infection!"

Damien reached towards Tori's face and poked it, "Hey!" Tori called out snapping her head towards him

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