Our weird relationship

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I have it all planned out i'll just ask her out "So what's your so great plan to ask my sister out" Kai said in a sarcastic tone trying to Annoy Asami and it really was working, "I'm thinking, how about i ask her to the park-" 

"boring! she is 17 not 6"

Asami groaned "Then what do you think i should do?"

"Why don't you take her on a blind date,"

Kai frowned "You know BLIND date, shes blind. Uhh your e=never going to get along with her"
Asami instantly stopped the car and looked at Kai

"W-what why, i really want to get along with her i can be funny, see that tree over there its bendy just like my sexuality" Asami began to laugh at her joke which Kai found a bit funny.

"Look don't be fake just be yourself, tomorrow she should be able to see, so take her somewhere you love to go" Kai said as he laid back in the seat and smiled. "K-kai...you do approve of me asking your sister out right?"

"well Duh, Your Korra's type, i just can't wait till you find her sweet spot,"Kai began to giggle at the thought of it

"Your her brother how do you know her sweet spot?" Asami was quite concerned even though she never had any siblings she knew siblings were not meant to do those types of things

"Woah woah! i'm not like that, it was a total accident we were so young, and we were having a tickle fight so i tickled her stomach, and she, moaned, it was by accident i know it was and from then on i don't tickle her" Asami began to giggle "K-korra's sweet spot is her stomach...you've got to be kidding me"
"I'm not, maybe it's not any more but back then it was,"

"Okay i'll remember that but where here" Asami said as she opened the car door, The future CEO walked to the back of the car and took Korren, Senga and Zara out there car seat "come on you three in the house" Asami said as she watched all three of the small children run in the house shouting Korra's name.

"your starting to sound like my mom" Kai slammed the car door and walked inside the house. Asami followed behind him "and why is it a bad thing?"

"Because Korra hasn't accepted that we will never see her again" Kai turned to Asami with his fist in a ball, he couldn't understand why he was so upset at Asami but just watching her take care of his family made him mad, it was just him and Korra for so long and now its Korra and Asami. "Pfft! You piss me off"  Kai turned around and walked to his room.

Korra's POV
i heard Zara call my name warning me that Asami is home. i whimpered at the light as my eyes were still very sensitive so i put back on the blindfold and smiled the headache had finally gone.

"I think your brother hates me" i heard Asami say as she walked in the room,  i heared her drop on the bed and give a long sigh "Kai doesn't hate people and why do you say that?" i asked now a bit curious, "I say that becuase he said i act like his mother, and i piss him off"


Asami's POV


i quickly sat up and turned to the now quiet Korra "Come here" i don't know what the fuck i was doing but i let it play out. Korra found her way to the bed and laid next to me, 

"I want you to tell me everything about your mother, i want to know who this amazing woman is who raised such an amazing family" I said as i saw a smile creep its way onto Korra's face.

"Um...you know that song you sang to me yesterday, my mother used to sing me that song, she would always get angry at me when i threw snowballs at the house." 

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