No parents love

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(Last chapter i got Yandere vibes from Asami and i just wanted to clear out if anyone thinks that will happen it won't just making sure)

Korra's POV

I woke up with a splitting headache Fuck...w-what happened" I groaned as i felt a soft hand on my knee "You had so much fun you passed out" I saw Asami giggle, it was like the light of my life was sucked out of me "W-what time is it?"


My eyes widened i was late, i was so fucking late.

i quickly stood up and ran out the huge mansion i could hear Asami shouting my name but i didn't respond. i'm such a horrible person, i'm late.


"So this is my house" Asami said as she unlocked the double doors. Korra's mouth fell open "T-thats huge" She said as Bolin shut her mouth. Mako patted Korra on the back making her blush

"Come on" Mako said still having his hand around Korra. And it slowly drove Asami into mad insanity. As they were greeted by many butlers and maids they were finally met with a quite round man sitting on the couch " its Hiroshi Sato" Korra said as her mouth flew open again.

Asami had a smile brought to her face, the shorter girl's smile made her want to fight off the world just for her. "Oh, Asami...your home" Hiroshi put on a smile as he hugged his only daughter until he noticed Mako and Bolin "Mako, Bolin, Good to have you two here again...and who's this?" Hiroshi asked pointing to Korra

"I-i'm K-ko" Korra stoped speaking.

"Your Korra Waters, Lin beifong Talked to me about having a new amazing student for the team"

Korra exploded inside at the thought of her name being mentioned by Hiroshi Sato.

"Anyway dad we're going to the upstairs living room, you don't mind if we order Pizza and stuff" Asami pleaded as Hiroshi nodded.

All 4 teens walked up the stairs, Asami still couldn't help but see Korra looking back and forth at her phone "You look scared?" Asami asked trying to lighten the mood

" nothing" Korra said as she sped up making the Sato feel upset about her actions.

A few minutes had passed and Bolin was already knocked out on the floor while Mako kept taking small sips of his drink. "Why don't you have some fun" Asami said as she nudged Korra.

It worried Asami, she could tell Korra was a very energetic girl but why was she shielding herself. i mean even Mako was having fun. " having fun" Korra said as she looked up at those green eyes, there was a spark of happiness that tried to fill Korra but it failed "You haven't even had one slice of Pizza or had a drink, come on we're not bad friends". Korra nodded and decided to take a slice of Pizza.

And not long after that she was running around along with Bolin who now had a sugar rush.

Once Korra's sugar rush slowed down she went and sat next to the raven haired beauty.

"A-asami..tell me something" Korra asked earning a grin from Asami 

"um..well my mother died when i was young, my dad is a billionaire, and i am meant to inherit the company soon"

it was silent

"I'm sorry about your mother" Korra was able to mumble out

"Well your parents must be proud of you, making the volleyball team"

but still silence

"..Can i tell you something?"

Asami nodded.

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