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always fixed after an
hour after publishing
cuz I'm lazy.

⋆* ⁺⑅ ⌲˘͈ᵕ˘͈«
Chapter 5
"Keep your role in the group.."
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ,, ⌲

"Good morning everyone! I'm miss Kita, the DHH liaison." A lady with short black hair spoke as she wrote stuff on the board. "Do you all know what sign language is? It's like using your hands to talk instead of your voice! Isn't that neat?" She asked as she stood behind shouko who was in front of the whole class. "Alright then! Since we wanna make it easier to communicate with shouko, every single morning we're going to spend three minutes of class learning to sign."

"Miss Kita," Ueno spoke up, standing up from her chair, making a screeching sound in the process, making m/n's eye twitch in annoyance since he had really sensitive ears and was now sitting next to shimada...which is unfortunately not that far from Ueno. "Why can't we just write in her notebook?" She asked with a bit of annoyance laced on her words.

Miss Kita, not expecting this had a sweat drop as she sent a nervous smile towards the blackhead. "It would be easier for shouko if everyone just learned a bit of sign language."

"Miss Kita.." another voice called out. It was m/n, he'd sigh as he layed his head on both his arms wrapped together. "Do I have to participate even if I already learned sign language?" He asked with a bored tone, just like the teacher. Nervous with these kids she'd glance at the teacher for help, him only pushing his glasses up. "It would be easier if I just wrote things down, so I'd like to stick with that," Ueno added as she frowned a bit.

"Excuse me" I cute voice called out from the back of the class, making everyone turn to it. "I'll do it," she said as she raised her hand. "I can learn how to sign," Sarah said, making ueno scoff.

"That's great! Glad to see someone is interested." She smiled as she ushered shouko back to her seat. "I don't wanna take much of your class time so I'll head out. Bye class!" She called out, getting lots of byes in return. Drowning m/n's voice as he sighed. "She didn't answer my question.." Getting a light chuckle from Shimada as he pats his head. "Guess you gotta jump in on the action too" he'd tease, the other sticking his tongue out at him.


Shouko and Sarah happened to be friends pretty quickly. This annoyed Ueno as she watched the girls interact. "Oh, it's mi yo ko sa.." Sarah repeated what shouko signed, it was her name miyoko Sarah. "Goodie two-shoes loser" Ueno said, wanting Sarah to hear. Which she did.

"Stay down!" Shoya yelled as he jumped on Hirose who chuckled. "Okay okay! I'm staying! Please let me go!" He pleaded, making m/n chuckle and Shimada muffle a laugh in his sleeve. Letting go of the surrendering boy, shoya would glance up at the boy sitting on Shimada's desk. "Hey m/n. How come you never wrestle with us?" He asked, getting up. "Are you chicken like Shimada?" Shoya would tease, making Shimada sigh and say "I'm not chicken..."

"You know, inviting me into a fight is like a death wish," m/n said, cracking his knuckles. "That's the whole reason I transferred here. Because someone underestimated me." He'd smirk, making kawaii giggle. "Isn't m/n kinda scary when he makes that face?" She said making one of the other girls (extra XD) nod "yeah. It's really threatening but also really cool" she'd laugh looking at him giving shoya, who was now on the ground, an arm lock. "I don't know about you three but I find it cute." She admitted.

"Alright! Let go already! I quit!!" Shoya yelled, making the three laugh their asses off since this was something new. "Alright, don't challenge me again though." M/n teased as he got off the half-dead, cat-like boy. "You know what's funny.." Hirose spoke, trying not to laugh. "It's usually me in that spot" he managed to spit out before bursting out into laughter along with the others.


"I love him! He's too cool" a girl said as the others replied, talking about some tv show. While Ueno kept her gaze on the two girls walking past. Shouko and Sarah. "Did she get dressed in the dark?" Ueno commented, making the girls giggle. "I can't believe you said that" kawaii giggled even though it wasn't funny to her. She had to laugh or else you'll be a target yourself. Sarah would sigh and decide to pretend like she didn't hear it at all.

Shouko would head to the bathroom, leaving Sarah behind who sat in the corner of an isolated corridor and started sobbing in her knees. Why? Why was Ueno, along with her friends, being mean to her all of a sudden? Was it something she did? If so, what did she do? She'd suddenly hear whistling coming closer, drowning the silence that once surrounded her. Whipping away her tears she'd stand up to meet eyes with dull e/c ones. It was m/n..but Why was he here? 'Oh, it's his turn to sweep the class..' she'd think as she glanced at the slightly open classroom door.

'W-what if he makes fun of me? Or tells Ueno since she's always around him and his group..' she'd think, very nervously as she avoided eye contact. "What's wrong?" M/n would ask worried for his classmate as he walked closer to her, putting away the broom in his hand. "N-nothing" she'd whisper. With a sigh he'd place a hand on her shoulder, making the girl flinch and smack his hand away. "I-i'm so-sorry.." she'd stutter out as she busted into tears. "It's okay to cry.." He'd whisper as he wrapped his arms around her. Staying like that for a while. Right now he'd have sympathy for anyone but that girl that's, in his own words, "intentionally ruining his life for no reason whatsoever." It was okay to feel sorry for other people than someone like shouko right?

"I can't believe that" they'd hear a voice coming closer. It was Shimada. Not wanting to be spotted with her in this state, he'd Quickly let go of her and drag her into the classroom. She'd start to rub her eyes and pretend to be wiping the windows. "Urgh, I don't wanna clean today!" Shoya would whine as he walked in, noticing the two quietly cleaning. "Heh, why does the atmosphere here feel awkward?" Shimada would ask as he leaned on the door.

"Oh? Sarah is doing my work?" Shoya would ask as he walked closer to m/n. "Hey, m/n! We're skipping the last period. Let's go!" He'd yell excited, soon realizing how loud he got. "S-sorry about that. Anyways Sarah" he'd smile mischievously as he walked closer to the nervous girl. "You don't mind taking m/n's work too right?" He'd ask, knowing full well she was too much of a nervous wreck to even think about refusing. "S-sure" she'd stutter out and force a smile. 'Tch...you don't have to listen to whatever the prick says' m/n would sigh, not being able to say it since it would be seen as 'protecting the losers friend'. "You can be such a jerk" Shimada would say, who was just enjoying the scene.

"Okay, let's go!"


* ⁺⑅ ⌲˘͈ᵕ˘͈« End of chapter Continue?

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End of chapter Continue? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ꒰ 🌸꒱ ,, ⌲

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