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⋆* ⁺⑅ ⌲˘͈ᵕ˘͈«
Chapter 11
"Regret things you never thought you would.."
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ,, ⌲

As he was finishing up, he'd hear a gasp and carefully looked from the corner of his eye only to see shoya trying to sneak past them.

"I'm going to walk around."

He would sign to shouko and walk away as she resumed what she was doing, completely oblivious to the y/n approaching the nervous shoya right behind her.

"What are you even doing?"

{.....🌸.....} [Chapter 11] {.....🌸.....}

"Ahh!" shoya would yell, causing all the birds to fly away and shouko to look over at the cause. The corners of y/n's lips would twitch before staying still, successfully maintaining his stoic front. "Like I say, what are you doing?"

"It's not what it looks like! I-i came
with my mom you see and"-

"ah iyu owkay?" /are you okay?/ shouko tried to speak, not realizing how she had interrupted him or how her words sounded funny.

"Whatever. I already knew that." Y/n sighed, glancing at shouko's confused expression. "She wants to know if you're okay"

"O-oh!" Shoya would snap, turning toward shouko. After pondering about it he would frown, realizing that it was futile to even try. He didn't pay attention to any of the morning sign language classes so it wasn't looking too good.

"He wants to say he is fine" y/n signed on his behalf, getting a nod and an unidentifiable expression from the girl.




"How awkward.." y/n muttered, receiving a nervous laugh in return. Shouko had turned around to feed the pigeons in peace at this point.

Wracking his brain on a topic to converse with the bored male, shoya would mentally sigh in relief as he had found one. "So. Are the both of you really leaving the school?" He would ask but then instantly wince, remembering he was part of the plausible cause.

"Thrilled to get rid of us now are we?" The other would respond. 'So much for talking' shoya would think with a somewhat hopeless expression.

Chuckling, y/n would pat shoya's back. "Just kidding. Probably. Dunno." He said with a light shrug. Glancing over at the quiet kid, his brow would rise in confusion. Not understanding what got him so red.

"You should probably go see whether your mom is done or not," Y/n said in a dismissive tone. It was clear that the confrontation would end thereafter he had walked back to slump on the bench shouko was sitting on.

"Let's go." He would hear his mother say, patting him on the shoulder with an affectionate sad smile. "Be a good boy from now on okay?"


"Wake up idiot.." Y/n would mutter. Such a simple sentence he used on a day-to-day basis but..it was different now. Unlike the hostility and spite it used to withhold, it seemed more gentle now. More affectionate.

Shaking it off, the boy would proceed to raise shouko's sleepy arm and drop it as the last attempt to wake her up.

Shifting in her sleep, she would sit up with both eyes closed making a "hmmm..." Sound as y/n stared at her. "Open your eyes. I can't talk to you if you can't see my hands dummy." He'd chuckle and abruptly stop as she opened her eyes on command as if she heard him.

"For a second there I thought...never mind."

"Get dressed or you'll be late for school" he would sign. She'd rush to sign back, even if she was sleepy since she was used to having y/n turn away instantly. Not wanting anything to do with her after what was required.

A flash of regret would cross his eyes as his mood dampened. Why was he feeling like crap as many days passed by!?

'I'm not going to school!' That was what she signed quickly. It was obvious she was thinking about her situation. Wanting to at least attempt to make her feel better, he would put on a large out-of-character grin and sign "you get to watch more of blues clues...again!"

This was enough to make her giggle until she couldn't breathe. 'Weird smile' she would sign in between laughs.

"Yeah, yeah. Laugh it off.." He would playfully frown before joining her fit of laughter.

"Y/n! Hurry or you'll be late!" His mother would call from downstairs. With a sigh, he would ruffle his cousin's hair before smiling down at her. "Don't forget to charge my tab again."

* ⁺⑅ ⌲˘͈ᵕ˘͈«
End of chapter Continue? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ꒰ 🌸꒱ ,, ⌲

 ꒰ 🌸꒱ ,, ⌲

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