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⋆* ⁺⑅ ⌲˘͈ᵕ˘͈«
Chapter 6
" Cutting ties "
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ,, ⌲

"What do you think you're doing?" Ueno giggled as she and the others watched shoya scribble away on the board. "A star over here..." He mumbled as Ueno carried on saying "don't you think you're going a little too far?" Finishing up he'd add a few exclamation marks and say "bet I could go even further" as he tosses the piece of chalk away before hopping back on the teacher's table. "You're such a jerk.." Shimada would add as he watched shoya with amusement lingering behind his board persona. "Y/n! Look at this!" Shoya smirked as he glanced at the kid at the back of the class, who was sorting out the best books to the worst since he was bored as f- "a jerk indeed.." he'd reply making Shimada chuckle. "Come on. I'm not that bad." Shoya would snicker as he and everyone else in the room took a glance at his so-called 'masterpiece'.

The door would creak open, making everyone's head snap towards it only to find shouko walking in with a plant

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The door would creak open, making everyone's head snap towards it only to find shouko walking in with a plant. It was her turn to water it. Walking in she'd place it down, completely oblivious to all of the eyes set on her. Waiting to see how she would react to the stuff scribbled on the board.

Looking up at it, she'd have a more of a confused and slightly unfazed expression as she tried to understand if it was either a joke or not. "Oh my! Who would write such a thing!" He'd fake a gasp as he hopped off the desk. "Some people..here. let me just erase it." He'd sigh as he grabbed the eraser and rubbed the words clean off the board while y/n seethed in jealousy as he saw her innocent expression as she watched shoya wipe away the mean words because he was being nice.

'She can be quite the smart ass and mess up my life whenever she likes but she can't see through his dumb, see-through lie?' He thought as she grabbed a chalk piece herself and wrote thank you on the board. With a frown, shoya would hop off the table once again as he walked out of the class saying "I said there's no need to thank. Let's go guys." Leaving behind shouko and y/n.

"Tch..this idiot." Y/n would grumble as he attempted to walk out, only for shouko to grab on his sleeve, who instantly pulled his arm away and swiftly turned towards her. "What else do you want from me!?" He'd ask in anger as she flitched a bit, holding a shocked expression as she just watched him continue. Not knowing what he was angry about. "You already have everything! You have everything from my allowance to my own mother! Isn't that enough?" He'd ask again as he smacked the plant on the table, causing it to fall on the ground and the pot to break. "That's how I feel! That's how you make me feel.." He yelled as he sniffed a bit. Crying wasn't something he did a lot but ever since shouko appeared, he had been doing just that. "I can't take it anymore!" He yelled as he gripped the chalk and started to scribble on the board in rigid and messy writing.

"I hate you"

Not believing what she read, she'd drop all the broken pot pieces she was collecting and started to question him. "What did I do? I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. please tell me what I did." She'd desperately ask as he just watched her in disbelief. "Are you really gonna play dumb?" He asked, knowing full well she couldn't hear. "I don't want to talk to you at all so I suggest you pretend like I don't exist and I'll do the same as I was planning to." He signed to her, anger blinding him from actually realizing what he was saying or doing. Stuffing his hands in his pockets he'd walk out of the class, leaving behind a weeping shouko as she watched him disappear.

"Wow. That was quite the show." Shimada would chuckle as he leaned on the wall close to their classroom. "Tch. What's it to you?" Y/n grumbled, a bit embarrassed about letting more than one person in school seeing him cry or his 'weak side' as he preferred to call it. "Hey, don't be like that." The blond chuckled as he ran up to catch up to him. "Besides. she kind of deserved it... I mean if I was in your shoes I'd be mad as hell if someone tried to replace me." He explained as he patted y/n's back who was registering what Shimada just said, silencing the little guilt that was threatening to come loose and spread. "Whatever. Let's catch up with the others."


"Sweety, have you seen shouko?" M/n asked as she wiped the tables. "No," Y/n replied as he placed his shoes on the shoe rack and head straight towards the stairs. "Could you go check on her?" She asked, making him stop on his tracks and sigh. "Sure..." putting his bag away and changing his clothing, he'd put on his shoes before leaving obediently to go check on his cousin.


* ⁺⑅ ⌲˘͈ᵕ˘͈«
End of chapter Continue? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ꒰ 🌸꒱ ,, ⌲

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