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Chapter 10
"Burn out.."
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ,, ⌲

Pages floating in the water, Cold dirty-pond water drenching his clothes, Ishida would stare at nothing specific as he was lost in thought

Recalling how Shimada and Hirose just shoved him the filthy water fountain and emptied his backpack inside it, he'd slowly feel the damp book lift off his head.

꒰ 🌸꒱꒰ 🌸꒱꒰ 🌸꒱

Packing up, y/n would sling his backpack over his shoulder. Eyeing around the class. Shoya had been sent to who knows where with the lecturer and Mr.Kim, some classmates decided to comfort kawaii, while others gossiped about it in hushed voices.

The main gang hadn't made a move to converse with each other after snitching on Ishida.  Whether it was out of shame like y/n or just anxiety of getting busted, the pink-haired kid couldn't care less. Silently swearing to not associate with these hypocrites, he'd decide to head out.

Was he a hypocrite too?

Snapping out of it, he'd get caught by a lecturer as she 'requested' his assistance in working for her with her papers. A.K.A you don't really have an option and you're basically doing the work that she'll get reimbursed for.

Eventually finishing up and getting an in unedible (is that even a word??) sweet for a reward, y/n would head out and notice that no one was around. Walking further head note shimada wave at the pond as he and Hirose sauntered away. "What are they. Crazy now?" He'd mutter to himself as he strolled to the exit too. A bit slow so he didn't have to encounter those 'dumbheads'

After getting closer, he'd notice Ishida in.."What the hell.." it came across as if they just shoved him in and left after waving. It sounded like something he would've done...

I'm nothing like them!' He'd convince himself, saying how the only people he 'bullies' are those who deserve it..did..did shoya actually deserve this much tho?..just him alone?

Shaking his head he'd decide to walk-off

......꒰ 🌸 ꒱

   ...꒰ 🌸 ꒱

     ..꒰ 🌸 ꒱

       .꒰ 🌸 ꒱

' Why can't I walk away!?' He'd mentally yell as he couldn't tear his gaze away from the shoya-  I mean pitiful-beady-eyed-feline!'


With a frustrated sigh, he'd stroll towards him and take the damp book off his wet head. Ishida observed with surprise as his eye recognized and met the others' e/c ones.

"Y-y/n!?" He'd yell in surprise, making the other wince. 'Oh yeah. His annoying voice was one of the reasons I didn't like him..' m/n thought. Refraining from rubbing his sensitive ears.

"I...I'm sorry.." That was all he said as he looked down at the pond. He wasn't sorry for the sake of not getting socked but..he was sorry for everything. "Tch. Pathetic." Y/n would mutter, getting a confused "huh?" From Ishida, only to get yanked out and get a jacket tossed at him. [Or if you chose a sweater in the clothing choices in chapter 1!]

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