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⋆* ⁺⑅ ⌲˘͈ᵕ˘͈«
Chapter 7
"Offense to the defense"
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ,, ⌲

Walking for a bit he'd make it to the playground near the school, knowing full well that shouko was probably watching Ueno and her friends from a distance. "Shouko..." He'd mumble, as he glanced behind Ueno's group, seeing shouko watching them a few feet away. It was obvious she wanted to befriend them but didn't know they were saying negative things behind her back..or a few feet in front of her.

Her eyes would stay glued to them and then glance at the playground bars, seeming to be sad or something. "Let's go...I need some fresh air. Away from someone." She'd say with a sigh, the others immediately following her. "Oh, y/n." Kawaii would mumble, getting the group's attention. "Hey y/n! Wanna come with us?" Ueno would ask, getting teased by one of the extras for blushing, which she refuses- really loud, making y/n's eye twitch from her annoying tone. "No. I have somewhere to go." He'd grumble, stuffing his hands in his pockets as he started to walk away, not wanting the girls- or pretty much anyone from school to know that he was related to 'the deaf-loser'. "Ah!" Shouko would make a sound as she ran up to y/n, grabbing his hand with an apologetic look. "Ew. Is she his girlfriend?" Y/n would hear a voice say, making him pull away from his arm in irritation and more irritation. "Leave me alone shouko..." He'd sigh, making her let go and sign "sorry" as the others watched them. As if this was entertaining for them since they didn't understand what was going on, shouko getting told off was enough entertainment.

"Hey, don't you know no one likes you? You're a creep." Ueno would speak, walking towards with shouko. She'd shove her back as she added. "You're just a deaf loser. Just go away!"

Someone would grab the back of Ueno's color and yank her back real hard. Making her stumble back a couple of times and fall back into her group. "Aight, that's fucking enough. I suggest you bitches leave before things get ugly." He'd growl standing in front of shouko, cracking his fingers before adding. "I don't give two shits if you're a girl or not."

Ueno would begin to tear up as she stood up and left. Feeling somewhat embarrassed by her crush..well threatening to crush her if she tried anything with shouko. The group would shuffle away, leaving behind a growling y/n and a sad shouko. 'Tch, they're going to make my life a living hell, more than it is..' y/n would think as sighed, glancing over at nimishiya who had a huge grin and signed "thank you" he'd sign a quick "go home" and stomp off, trying not to mirror her grin.

That was a quick change. One second he dreads the thought of her and now, after actually seeing someone try to pick on her physically right in front of him..it was different and he wasn't gonna let that happen again. Walking away to the junk store he always went to, he'd found the group already there.


"During the Jomon period"- the teacher would read, only to be interrupted by shoya yelling "WAH!" in shouko's ear with the pamphlet they were reading from, used as a speaker. The whole class's heads would snap towards the source, finding a shocked shouko, and an annoyed y/n as he grabbed his sensitive ears and glanced over at shoya in annoyance. "You have ear problems too?" Shimada would ask with a little smirk, as y/n just ignored his question.

"Cut it out shoya" the teacher would yell, annoyed. "Or would you rather have detention?" He asked as shoya muffled a quick "no sir!" into his arms, which made ueno along with the rest of the class giggle. Glancing over at shouko, she'd frown a bit wondering how she heard the yell. Was she really deaf? She'd let her gaze drift over to another pink head in the class and grimace, remembering what happened yesterday.

"Hey" Ueno would say as she tapped on shouko's shoulder- who apologized for y/n's behalf. Omfg- to get her attention. She'd spread her hair to see her ears better and find hearing aids.

 She'd spread her hair to see her ears better and find hearing aids

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"If you're wearing this. Can you actually hear?" She'd ask, getting a few "I know right!"'s from a few others. "Right? I was wondering that too.." kawaii would join in. "Show me for a sec" Ueno would smile as she watched shouko carefully take one of her hearing aids off and hand it to her.

"Ueno!" Shoya would call out from the back of the class. "What's that? Lemme see!" He'd extend his hand. Ueno would instantly toss it over to him, in an attempt to be in his favor, as shouko tried to catch it before she threw it. But she was too late. It flew across the class and into shoya's palm. "Ugh, what is this! Gross!" He'd yell as y/n walked into the class just in time to see him toss something out. Brushing it off thinking he's doing his regular stupid things, his eyes would drift towards shouko who looked like someone died. He'd walk towards them after noticing Ueno, who saw him and instantly stammered away. "What's wrong?" He'd sign, ignoring shoya's calls as he waited for an answer. "Shoya tossed one of my hearing aids out the window.." She'd sign. "But it's okay. Don't get angry. Mom will"- she'd continue only for him to turn around. Not waiting to see what else she had to say. "Y/n! Wanna see something cool?" Shoya would chuckle, gesturing him over. Only to get smacked across the face.

"H-hey Y-y/n..."

"You trying to pick a fight? Huh!?"

* ⁺⑅ ⌲˘͈ᵕ˘͈«
End of chapter Continue? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ꒰ 🌸꒱ ,, ⌲

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