Aren't you all happy fore me?
Yes, we are Vanessa let's go for a walk Alba said to her
They both left...
Tears rolled down on my face 💦 I ran to the girls toilet 🚺
I'm ugly He will never fall fore a girl like me 🙍
Vanessa has all the beauty and she is so nice 🙎
You aren't ugly Martina you are so beautiful Lodovica said
Thanks, to all off you girls but he never will fall fore me I said my mascara was dripping
I wiped my tears and started to look at myself in the mirror! The girls left me alone because I wanted that
I was talking to myself 👩 in the mirror while I was doing my make-up : I'm beautiful and I have to be strong :)
I was done and leftAww, sad Martina She loves Jorge. But he don't love her he is in love with another girl. Soo sad! We have to let Jorge fall fore me! A girl said
Or me! Another girl said
Both laughing 😂 Hahaha, we will see they both said in evil wayHey, i'm giving a party tonight, it's my birthday tomorrow. please come it begins at 6
Hey, i'm giving a party tonight, it's my birthday tomorrow. please come it begins at 6
Hey, i'm giving a party tonight, it's my birthday tomorrow. please come it begins at 6
Hey, i'm giving a party tonight, it's my birthday tomorrow. please come it begins at 6 Vanessa was handing invitations ✉️
Jorge came to her and hugged her from behind, how is my girlfriend doing? He said
Your girlfriend is doing fine, i'm buzzy she said. Ooh wait, are you coming to my birthday party tonight?
Sure, wouldn't wanna miss it he said and gave her a little kiss on the cheek
Great, Jorge we have to match so you are wearing a dark blue smoking ok?
Everything fore my girl, see you later Vaness 💕he said happy
Jorge was about to leave when Ashley hugged him
Hello Jorgie 💓 she said
Don't call me that and don't hug me like that he said irritated
And left her aloneAt Vanessa's birthday party
*As long as you love me - Justin Bieber was playing*
Everyone was dancing
Great party Vaness and Happy birthday! Said Mechi to her
Love the music Cande said Happy birthday!
I also wished her a happy birthday and said to myself that I had to enjoy the night with my friends
Now there was a slow song playing (all the couples were dancing except me...)
I was on my phone trying not to get someones attention. I was hungry so I went to the kitchen fore some snacks. They weird thing was that it was dark I was looking fore the light switch💡but I couldn't find, in the background I heard giggling and the sound of kissing 💋
I heard Mercedes saying: Martina where are you?? She did the light on and I look at her with a shocked face 😧
Is there something wrong with me? She asked 😕
I couldn't speak the only words that came out were: Mechi! There... Jornessa.. Kiss kiss! (Jornessa was there names together btw)
Jorge and Vanessa were almost making out and were kissing each other wild!
Jorge his face was literally covered in red lipstick.
This time I felt jealous, his shirt was on the ground en he was standing there topless.
He was now hotter then he already was 😍 I really wanted to be Vanessa. But I was also not happy I mean she don't know how much it hurts me.When she is around him and he gives her so much attention.
Uhh..this is kinda akward he said while trying to smile
You're so hot, I-I mean... Your right Jorge this is really akward.
Yeah... He smiled at me
I saw that Vanessa was getting jealous and kissed him quickly 💋
Too bad fore me, he really enjoyed that kissBack in the living room
Mercedes already left the kitchen and was kissing Xiabani
Lodovica came to me and whispered in my ear 👂You and Jorge really match together!!
I was happy to hear that but then Lucy pushed me and I fell with my head in the cake🎂
My face was full of whipped cream 👩🎂
almost everyone on the whole party laughed at me 😂😂😂😂
And Jorge was laughing too, I thought he was nice even Vanessa was laughing.
I thought we were friends I said to her! I ran outside 🏃 she ran after me.
Vanessa, why are you laughing at me, The other people may laugh but we are friends. How could you??? I was almost crying my eyes out!
What wrong with you Martina? it was only one time
You remind me enough pain. I'm going to just say it now!
Well say it then! She shouted
I'm in love with Jorge and I did all the time like I was very happy but you hurt me Vanessa all the time. and then you still laugh at me , I wish our friendship does not jeopardize but I can't take it anymore. I said
Ok, Martina I actually always hated you because I know you wanted Jorge from me! She said
Jorge came running, Are you okay Vanessa? He said
Vanessa was acting and said: No Jorge, she slapped me!!! Fake tears rolling down her face.
Why did you slapped her?? Said Jorge angry
I didn't slap anyone
I don't believe you! You are just a big fat liar Martina!!! He said
I ran away and sat on the ground in the middle of the street 😭💦
He ran after me and said: Uhmm... Sorry Martina that was kinda hard. But don't slap my girlfriend okay?
I didn't slap her okay! I said
Vanessa came to us and hugged him and said to him: Thanks that you care fore me that much!
Don't thank me I just love you he said
I left to my house 🏠That was the worst party ever!

● Loving him was RED ●
FanfictionThis is a Jortini fanfiction Jorge and Martina are normal teenagers from 17 years old. Jorge is deeply in love with a girl called Vanessa. Martina always had a crush on him, she is really good friends with Lodovica and Candelaria but also Alba and M...