Drama lesson
Ok, everyone sit down please. I'm going to say who is playing Juliet
Vanessa was standing up
The girl who plays Juliet is....... Candelaria! Congratulations!
This can't be right, I have to play Juliet! Vanessa shouted to the teacher
Mrs. Handerson, how could you shout at me! Go to the principal office now!
Well, Candelaria I think we have to spend time together Jorge said
Yeah, I think so she said but she whispered in my ear: Don't worry, it's only fore the show she said
I whispered back: I know, and actually I don't care anymore I find someone better. But I only don't know who he is!
huh? you love him but you don't know who he is? does that even make sense Candelaria said Yes, it's his voice changed my feelings and the melodie touched my heart I said with a smile that says: i'm really deep in loveAfter school we all went to restaurant to celebrate our friendship
I know, we are here to celebrate pur friendship but I want to toast that I'm no longer in love with Jorge I said
Let's toast Alba said
And Candelaria who is rehearsing with Jorge? Mechi asked while laughing
We still didn't rehears yet Candelaria said
We all had a fun time with only girls!Next day
Hey Martina Jorge said
Hey :) I said
Well..uhmm... I still have a question He said
Ok you can ask me now I said
No, I want you to come to the park at 8 he said
But, why...I mean...you can ask now r-right? I said
No, I... Don't want that someone interrupt us, like yesterday He said
Well...,ok then I said
Ok, great see you at 8! Bye He said and left
Was this a date?? no no Martina he just want to ask something! How bad can it be I said to myselfDrama lesson
Oke everyone! Jorge and Candelaria we all want to see how things are going!
Juliet (Candelaria): Romeo oh Romeo wherefore art thou? My Romeo
Romeo (Jorge): Juliet oh Juliet, I love you so much. I don't want to spend any minute without you
*still acting* suddenly they stop
Why are two stopping? it was really good, you only have to kiss each other now! The teacher said
Jorge leaned in and Candelaria looked quickly at me , I shook yes and they kissed
Ok, that was perfect 👍 the teacher said
*rrriiiiiinnnnngggg* we are done today!Spanish lesson
Hola a todos (hello everyone) said Mrs Evans
Hola (hello) everyone said
OMG, Jorge was talking with Ashley and Lucy and he was happy! i don't understand? One time he don't like them other times it he like them! How could I be in love with someone like him? lucky I'm not in love with him anymore I said in my headIt was 08:00 PM I was walking to the park
When I heard that beautiful voice again 🔊
But I didn't see him, I sat down on the bench where Yesterday that boy was
It was now 08:15 PM where is Jorge???? Finally he came
Hi, how are you? i said
Fine, and you? He asked
Great! Well, what do you wanna ask me? i said
Ok, Did you feel a spark when we kissed? He asked
Well, I felt a spark ✨ but I don't like him anymore! So i'm gonna say I didn't feel a spark I said in my head
I didn't feel a spark Jorge I said to him
Ooh...,because I felt a spark ✨ he said with a low voice
Really? i said suprised
Yeah, but don't worry. I know we do not belong together He said
Yes, well...uhmm..bye Jorge see you tomorrow I said
Bye he said
I left I was almost home 🏡 when I heard that voice again singing the same song 🎶
I wanted to know who it was, so I followed the voice 🎤
I saw that boy sitting on same bench I was sitting with Jorge on.
I walked up to him, i was suprised 😳I already know him! Whaatt???

● Loving him was RED ●
FanficThis is a Jortini fanfiction Jorge and Martina are normal teenagers from 17 years old. Jorge is deeply in love with a girl called Vanessa. Martina always had a crush on him, she is really good friends with Lodovica and Candelaria but also Alba and M...