✱I thought I had forgot everything ✱

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she quickly began to gasp for air 💨💨💨💨💨 and her heart was beating very rapidly
I grabbed her hand and said: I LOVE YOU 💜 she has tricked me I would never hurt you! i'm really sorry! it hurts me to see you like this. don't let me go! Please!
she could not really talk but whispered in my ear: I-I-I love you too... 💙 and then slowly her eyes closed! I gave her a kiss on her hurting head! hospital she had hospital-clothes on ,she had that necklace that I had given her on the table beside her! I grabbed the chain and put it on her neck,that time the doctor came in and said I had to go.I looked at her fore moment and left.

At Jorge's home
*phone ringing*
Jorge: Hello, with Jorge Blanco
Doctor: Hello Mr.Blanco, I wanted to tell you some news about Mrs. Stoessel.
Jorge: Yeah...*scared*
Doctor: she is unconscious she probably has a concussion
Jorge: what? So she is going to forget some things
Doctor: Yeah, maybe a lot. i'm really sorry
Jorge: When will she wake up?
Doctor: Maybe in an hour, you can visit her
Jorge: I will and thanks fore calling
*phone call ended*
After an hour I went to the hospital with Mercedes,Lodovica,Candelaria and Alba!
Martina was awake looking at her necklace 👀
Who is J-OR-R-GE? She asked us
I'm am Jorge, don't you know me? I asked her
No, its the first time I see you she said
Well that's weird because you already know him and he is your boyfriend Lodo said
What are you talking about? And who might you be? Martina asked
I'm Lodovica your friend and all these other girls are also your friends She said
Martina, you really don't remember? Alba asked
Who is Martina? She asked
OMG! Mechi said while looking at us
Well, if you don't remember than I will introduce myself I'm Candelaria you can call me Cande!
And i'm Mercedes and most people call me Mechi!
And i'm Alba *hihihi* I don't have a nickname :)
We have been friends fore a really long time, it's so...weird you don't remember us that you don't remember our moments we shared together! Mercedes said
Uhhh...i'm really sorry, you all seem nice, uhhh...thanks Martina said
Yeah, well I think we will leave you too alone Alba said and the girls left

Hey, i'm Martina :) She said
I know you are Martina, but Tini i'm so sad you don't remember Jorge said
Who is Tini? She asked
That is your nickname, i'm your boyfriend Martina! jorge said
What is a boyfriend? She asked *it really looked like she was a kid*
I grabbed her hands and looked in her eyes
A boyfriend is someone who really likes you and he loves you and he can't imagine his life without you and he is really sad that you lost your mind...
Wow, really nice and she looked happy with her eyes wide open!
Jorge was leaning in to kiss me but then I asked: What are you doing Jorge? Are you going to eat me or something, i'm not a cookie 🍪
Well...you are delicious to me but I was just trying to kiss you Jorge said
What is kissing? and how do you do it? i asked
Martina, kissing is that our lips touch, I will explain how you do it *laughing* I will explain what you have to do fore the perfect kiss ever, i will show you but you have to help me.
Well first you look the one you love in the eyes 👀 *He looks in my eyes*
Then you come closer to her *he comes closer*
Then I grab your waist or your face and give a little kiss on your lips *he grabs my waist gives a little kiss just our lips touch*
Then you look again in her amazing brown eyes *he looks again in my eyes*
then you turn your head a little bit and you kiss her with your lips loosely *he kisses me*
WOW,... That was... i say
Amazing! He says
I have missed our little moments I say
You remember them? He askes *with wide open eyes*
Some of them :) i'm happy I met you Jorge ❤️ I say
Me too he says
I am going to be okay right? I ask
Of course you will he says *he does my hair behind my ear because it represents my eyes* I grab a pen
What are you going to do with it? Jorge asks
You will see I say and draw a small heart ♡ on his cheek
He looks in the mirror and then grabs the pen and also draws a small heart ♡ on my cheek!
I'm sorry about what Vanessa did today he says
I have already forgive you ♡ I say
That good to hear He says and stares at me...
I'm sorry I look miserable with the hospital clothes I say
No, you look adorable 😍 he say
I blush 😊
I sit on his lap and kiss his cheek, I think I remember you again. You ate that boy I always had a crush on I say
You always had a crush on me? He asks
Yes, since you came to our school I say
Well, I think you have to rest. Tomorrow you can leave the hospital! He says
Bye, adorable 😍
Bye, handsome 😘 and Jorge leaves

AWW, looks like our plan didn't really work! We have to do something but I don't know what?

Let's make plan B

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