Thursday the day before the ball...
Tomorrow is the prom and we all still don't know who asked us. Actually I don't wanna come anymore when I heard about the ball I was so happy because I wanted to dance with Jorge. Our first dance together under the spotlight his hands around my waist and my hand around his neck and I will be wearing my dress and he would be wearing his incredible handsome suit! But no He don't want to come and even if he would come we can't dance together because someone already asked me... *dreaming* and while we dance we will kiss the most beautiful 'kiss' ever. And then I will look in his amazing eyes and he would look in mine and then we will dance and dance dance dance and dance Ahw I love him so much and danceeee... MARTINA MARTINAA, hello? Earth to Martina *I woke up from my daydream*
Hello, martina where were you thinking about? Jorge asked
Oohh... I was thinking about you! I said
Ahww, princess I have something great to tell you *gives me a quick kiss on the nose*
I changed my mind and I will go to the masquerade ball! He said happy
Really? But... We can't dance together... i said sad :(
I'm really sorry princess but I will give you a kiss maybe that helps *gives me a kiss*
Princess, don't be sad. I wanna cheer you up! Close your eyes! He said
I felt something hairy and small in my hand! I thought
Open your eyes sweetie! Jorge said
Aww... A kitten 🐱 she is so cute with those flowers in her hair! Thank you Jorge look how cute! Ahww I think I have to cry it' so feaking cute!!! What is her name? I said
Well, i was thinking about a name and I found the perfect name and that name reminds me of you beautifel! Her name is 'Princess' because I always call you that! He said
You are so freaking cute Jorge! And I kissed him so directly 💋💋💋
Where was that fore? He asked
That was fore this amazing cute/sweet kitten called Princess 👑 I love you so much I said
You more!!! He saidI went to the girls and showed them Princess 👑🐱
Ahw what a cutie 💕 Mechi said
Ahwwww... Alba said with tears in her eyes
So sweeet! Cande said
I want it Lodo said
Jorge gave it to me! I said
So super sweet! Mechi saidNext day...
We went to school and Princess was with me!
Jorge, can you stay with Princess fore a while? I asked
Sure, this cutie is always welcome ❤️ he said
Heyy.. jorge vanessa said
Hello.. vanessa he said
Who is that ugly animal? She asked
This is Princess and she isn't ugly at all she is prettier than you! He asked
I will forgive you fore saying that because I know you are the one who asked me fore the prom right? She asked
Well... Actu- he got interupted because she wanted to kiss him but them Princess her face came on her lips!
Iell... This horrible animal kissed me! She screamed and ran to the toilet
You are amazing Princess he said an gave Princess a kiss on her head
I walked back seeing Jorge and Princess playing, it looked like he was a father! Ahah
Hey I am back! I said
Hey sweetheart, he said
Well, i'm mad at you! I said
Why? He asked
Because you give princess a lot of kisses more than me I said
So you are jealous... I know me and princess are a cute couple we went on our first date he said in a funny way
Before I could say anything he grabbed me waist leaned in to kiss me and he was going violently with his hand over my body!
Don't ever be jealous! He said laughing
Okay, I promise I said looking at him with a small smileThe masquerade ball...
Okay, the ball is about to start we all look fancy in our dresses and we all finally gonna know who asked us. Well, the girls are exited but me... No I just wanted to dance with my love but now I have to dance with some other guy! Well,i'm going to have fun with the girls we are now driving in the car to the venue! It's going to be fun!
Girls, I wanted to say that I love you all, you are my best friends and I can't live without you guys! Best friends forever!
Ahw we love you too Martina! Lodo said
All the boys will be looking at us! Cande said happy
And maybe Prom queen will be one of us? Alba said
And the best couple will dance a slow dance Mechi said while dreaming away
Mechi and Xiabani!!! She screamed
Ahahaha Daydreaming! Cande said she can't stop laughing
We are there the driver said and opened the door off the car
We stand fore the door of the prom and just screamed in happiness
We walked the down the stairs and every boy was looking at us, I saw Diego,Ruggero,Xiabani,Facu,Samuel,Andres but I didn't saw Jorge... Just as I thought! Lodovica was asked by Diego, Mercedes was asked by Xiabani, Alba was asked by Facu, Candelaria was asked by Samuel and me I didn't know who asked me...! They were all dancing and laughing with their love. Vanessa was looking fore Jorge and also Lucy and Ashley. Everyone was voting fore prom queen and prom king and The best pair will be announced at 01:00 AM. Yeah They changed the time!After couple hours it was now 11:00 PM and the prom was on full swing! Hey Tini, who asked you fore the ball? Cande said while she was bizzy dancing! i don't know... But I have fun I said but I really didn't have fun.the venue was decorated with lots of pretty lights and looked very fancy , the beautiful golden curtains gave you faith like you walked through a castle! Just like a fairytale ✨ I was just looking at the lights when Vanessa deliberately bumped against me. In a second, my hair was full of punch and my dress. well I think you needed that! Fore stealing my boyfriend, I will never forgive you Martina!what a beautiful dress with all those red spots and she laughed at me. Just as the day our friendship disappeared on her party!
I said nothing , I ran down into a room ( that room is the picture in the media with Jorge behind her) with tears in my eyes. I thought this would be one of the best nights of my life but no... *sob sob crying* I was crying on the floor with my dress scattered on the ground. i'm so ugly, my dress is a mess my hair is messed up ... I said.I heard footsteps behind me I didn't look the only thing I said was: Mechi, I don't want to talk, just go dancing but don't worry about me! *i heard the footsteps still coming closer* Mechi just leave me ok! I'm ugly! Vanessa came and said: i'm not Mechi and your right! You are so ugly look at you just a piece off trash and she left.
I started crying even harder after 15 minutes I lay on the ground with my face in my hands and yes I was still crying. I heard footsteps again but i didn't say anything just kept crying...I felt someone gently sit beside me and those patted me gently on my back! Who is this? I asked softly .it 's the one who asked you fore the prom he said
Ooh so it's not Jorge I said to myself! He grabbed my hands and pulled them away from my face, I had my eyes closed but when he did that I opened my eyes and saw the one I wanted to see all the time. Jorge? I said surprised I realized that I looked horibble so I quickly said to him: do not look at me I look like a witch. You do not look like a witch , you're beautiful and that will you always be he said in a sweet way. Don't you see this, look at my dress it's full of stains I said .Yes, and it permits great he said. He wiped away my tears and held out his hand so I could get up. the clock just stroke 12:00 and Jorge said: Well, I guess I own you something, and we danced together slowly across the room. It was perfect.he picked up a flower and put it in my hair. Do not worry princess you are incredibly beautiful and that will never change he said and he pushed me slowly closer to him and our lips kissed and it was perfect. you're my fairy tale! you are so beautiful I can not stop saying that he said. I love you so much Jorge I thought you were not coming i said. i can't let you go he said with his beautiful voice. But Jorge are you the one who asked me? I asked
Yes and i'm so happy I asked you ❤️ he said.We went to the venue again and it was time to announce the best pair of the masquerade ball.
The best couple is................... Lodovica & Diego! Congrats you two are having a slow dance together!
They danced under the spotlight and it was so great to see Lodo so happy!
And now our prom queen is....................... Mercedes Lambre! Congrats and she got a crown on her head!
And our prom king is.......................... Andres!!! Congrate and he also got a crown
Well, i wanna thank my friends Alba,Cande,Lodo and especially Martina! I love you all!!!
I love you Xiabani! I'm so happy to be your prom queen fore the first time!!! *everyone clapping* Mechi said happyWell, uhmm... Thanks everyone! Andres said! *clapping* andres said confused (like always hahaha)
Then everybody was dancing again!
I don't care you didn't win the title Prom queen, you are my prom queen Jorge said pulling me close
And you are my prom king and my hero ❤️ I saidJorge, my hero!
I really enjoyed writing this chapter! Hope you all like it!
I reached 2k thanks to you all! You are all amazing!
Please check out my new Jortini book it's called Being Famous
Have fun reading this chapter and I will update this book soon again!
And I wanna wish you all a happy great and amazing 2015! Let's enjoy December 31th the last day off 2014! Happy new year! :)

● Loving him was RED ●
FanfictionThis is a Jortini fanfiction Jorge and Martina are normal teenagers from 17 years old. Jorge is deeply in love with a girl called Vanessa. Martina always had a crush on him, she is really good friends with Lodovica and Candelaria but also Alba and M...