I just came back from school after a couple hours Lodovica's sleepover will begin. It's going to be great with my incredible friends. I am going to eat something and then I will change in other clothes and do my suitcase with my pajamas, make-up you know, stuff like that! And maybe call Jorge and then I will let Ramallo drive me to Lodovica's house
Meanwhile I just arrived at Lodovica's house everything seemed normal. i knocked on the door 🚪 Hey Tini, come in! She said I was the first one I think.So, i'm the first one here? i asked her
No, Cande is in my room you can go there as well I have to prepare some snacks She said and went to the kitchen
I went to her room with my suitcase and stuff and opened the door, I saw Cande on the phone she was laughing and yeah it was funny to see her like this.
Who are you talking to? I asked
Ooh Samuel, he makes good jokes you know! She said while she still couldn't stopAfter a while Alba,Mechi also arrived and Lodo was done making snacks.
*TRIIIIINNNNNGGGG* that weird, everyone is already here! lodo said and went downstairs to open the door
PAARRRRTTYYY! Ruggero screamed all the boys came in with music
What's going on there? Mechi asked and we all went downstairs in out pajamas
Ruggero was bizzy dancing and we stopped the music and asked them all at the same time: WHAT IS THIS???
Yeah, well I heard you are having a sleepover so we thought let's make a party of it! Samuel said
And you didn't say anything? I said
Yeah,..... It was an suprise Ruggero said but I saw that simply just figured it out
But we are in our pajamas! Lodo said mad
Yeah and you look amazing! Diego said I mean you all look amazing! He said correcting
Suddenly Ruggero starts the music again! And screams PARTY KINGG!
OMG, that boy is going crazy Alba whispered
Lodo then stops the music again
Why do you stop it? We where in the good vibe? Jorge said
And the music started to play again!
OMG those boys are insane! Cande said
GET OUT!!!! Lodo screamed and opened the door fore them to leave
While they were leaving Ruggero said: You are a party-breaker, how could you break this! I was becoming Party KING he said
We were lauging it was actually so funny how Ruggero said that!They finally left and we went upstairs again
What a drama king can Ruggero be! Mechi said
I know! Lodo said
Well? How is going between you and Jorge? Cande asked while smiling
Great! Amazing I said
And you and Diego? I asked Lodo
Fantastic she said looking at us
Well, I have a game we can play it goes like this Alba said
We dial a number and call that person but then unknown so that person doesn't know we are calling and then we do weird voices and talk to them about non sens! Wanna play girls? Alba asked us
OMG this is going to be great! Cande said
Okay, who are you calling Mechi? I asked
Xiabani she said and dialed his number
After I while he answered
Hello with Xiabani! He said
Mechi did a weird voice and said: Hey, bro how are you?
Who is this? he asked
You don't know me how could you i'm your bro! How is your girlfriend? She said
Uhh...she is fine i think.... He said
Her birthday is soon right? You have to give her a huge present! Mechi said
Yeah...but why are I talking with you about this?
I just wanted to help bro!
I don't even know you bye! He said and canceledNOOO! This wasn't the best one, I wanted to let him give me a great present! Mechi said a little upset
Well, it's your turn Martina! Lodo said
You have to call Jorge fore sure Cande said
Okay and I dialed his number
Hello with Jorge Blanco :) he said
Hey sweetie, we are getting married tomorrow! I can't wait I said with a really good woman voice
Getting married???? What are you talking about? I think you called the wrong number he said we all starting laughing
Sweetie, i'm not that stupid to call another guy i said
Well, i think you are and may I know your name? He asked
I quickly thought of a name and said: i'm Emily, babe how could you not know me.
Remember when we had our first kiss and when you proposed to me! I can't wait till tomorrow! I said it was so funny
Uhhh... *akward* Emily I think you are really wrong, i'm not getting married he said
Cande said Accidentally: OMG HE BELIEVE THIS!
Cande? He said and we quickly canceled the phone callCande?? We all said at the same time
Sorry, but this was so funny. He thought HAHAHAHAHA Cande said
I think I can't stop anymore, he says hello and this Emily girl (martina) says she can't wait till the wedding! HAHAHAHAHAHAAA 😂😂 he thought it was real 😂😂😂 he was getting scared OMGG!!!! HAHAHAHA Cande said she was really freaking out and laughing she made us all laughWe just kept laughing and after a while Lodo, Cande and Alba also called their boyfriends. It was really a funny,great and super awesome girls night. I really needed this. We had pillow fights and a lot of laugh-moments just like that moment with Candelaria when I called Jorge. It was so amazing, we shared secrets and talked about the boys and we also played hide and seek. i know you maybe think it's fore little kids but it was really fun. We also watched movies with a lot of popcorn and we ordered pizza. It was just an awesome girls night. And we watched a scary movie we were all screaming, the funny thing was that Alba said she had to pee because it was to scary fore her! And when she came back Lodo scared her because we turned the light off! And she didn't see anything, she was scared again and walked back to the toilet! I think she has a little problem, i mean is it even possible that when you are scared you have to pee. We also did a game that someone is blindfolded and she has to do the make-up from the other person, the lipstick was the most difficult I think. We then looked in the mirror looking horrible and we made a lot of selfies! I really loved it!
Meanwhile.... Jorge house's
Jorge's POV
Someone was knocking so I opened the door and it was Lucy!
She came in and we talked, it was weird because it was like she was an other person.
Then she suddenly kissed me and actually I liked it!
I really don't know why! But it was great...~Sofia
Hey, I hope you like this chapter!
What so you think about Lucy?
Thanks fore reading, i love you all
I'm so stupid, I am making a lot of mistakes I see....
I'm sorry hope you still understand it

● Loving him was RED ●
ФанфикThis is a Jortini fanfiction Jorge and Martina are normal teenagers from 17 years old. Jorge is deeply in love with a girl called Vanessa. Martina always had a crush on him, she is really good friends with Lodovica and Candelaria but also Alba and M...