Jucy is starting....I think

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Jorge's POV
Lucy just left....
Okay, what's happening? I love Martina but Lucy is acting so nice like she is another person, and I like this new Lucy! But maybe it just now because she is not around her friends. I don't know what I feel right know, i'm just going to wait... I think

I grab my phone and I see a text from... Martina
Hey Love, I just wanted to say that last night with the girls was Amazing! I miss you so much. When you and the boys came throwing a party at Lodo's was funny you were all acting like party-lovers! I can't wait till I see you again sweetie and Princess (the kitten) is doing fine. She is so supercute just like you! I love you 💜
Kisses 💋 from your Martina 💜

So sweet, but Lucy..........
After a few minutes I new message comes in from..... Lucy
Hey Jorge,
I wanna thank you fore today. It was really great hanging out with you. You food is really delicious. We have to hang out again! I hope you liked it too
From Lucy xxxxxx 💕

Well that was sweet too, well i'm going to change!
And I went upstairs to take a shower and to change!
End of Jorge's POV

Well I went to school and I walked to The girls
Lodo's party was A M A Z I N G mechi said
You mean sleepover! Cande said
Yeah haha! Mechi said
*RIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNGG* No, I don't want to go to history class I thought

Histery class
And that is how they find all those things in 1677. Everyone go make the exercises in your workbook without takking please! The teacher said

Ughh...I don't want to make it! I say
Nobody wants Tini Lodo says while Alba is staring at Facu
Hello? Alba Cande says to her
Hey Facu... Alba says
Facu???? ALBA Cande screams
Mrs. Molfese, out of my lesson now!!!! I said no talking!
Sorry Miss and she leaves
OMG, what was that! Wait a minute why is Jorge talking with Lucy and he is smiles really bright! Lucy is one of the mean girls. Don't worry Martina they are talking about history fore sure! Just calm down! I say to myself
*RIIIIIIINNNNNNG* okay everyone don't forget your homework fore the next lesson!

After a few lessons
Jorge is still talking with Lucy and they are laughing and they look happy! Really happy! He didn't say anything to me today and he also didn't reply on my message...
But there totally nothing going on right, he loves me and I love him 💜

Hey, everyone before you leave i'm giving a party tonight at my house at 8 see you there Ruggero said
Ruggero was waiting fore Lodovica and said to her: You can't break my party now Lodo, see you there! PARTYYY KINGGG!
That Ruggero guy is freaking funny! Cande says
Yeah right! Mechi says
Heey Facu alba says
OMG, Alba are you okay? I ask
Yeah Facu i'm alright she says
Wow, she is lovesick I say laughing
Yeahh! Lodo says and we all went to our lockers and went home

At Ruggero's party
*music playing*
Hello, eveyone i'm so happy you are all enjoying my party! I wanna crown myself to be your PARTY KINGGG 👑 I'm speechless enjoy the party! That's the command of your PARTY KINGG RUGGEROO!!! WOAH!

The party is really great, but this is weird Jorge and Lucy talking! OMG this is weird really weird.... But i'm not going to him and say anything because I think that there is nothing going on and if I will go, Jorge will think i'm jealous and I don't want him to think that of me. I'm maybe going to talk later. I danced with the girls and eat some snacks. The snacks are delicious and the drinks are too (i'm not drunk btw)
And everyone is having fun, and Ruggero for sure! Crowning himself! He is so funny!

Three hours later...
Almost everyone from is leaving only Candelaria, Lodovica, Alba, Samuel, Mercedes, Ruggero, Jorge, Lucy, Ashley, Vanessa, Facundo, Andres, James, Xiabani and me are still here.
Well let's play truth or dare! And i'm going to spin first because i'm the party king Ruggero says
He spins and it lands on Cande
Truth or dare? Cande
Truth she says
Did you ever had a crush on James? Ruggero asks
No, gross 😖 sorry James Cande says
It's okay James says
Cande spins the bottle lands on.... Alba
Truth or dare? Alba
Dare she says
I dare you to kiss Facundo!
Yeaah! She says and they kiss
Aww! Mechi says
Alba spins the bottle and it lands on... Vanessa
Truth or dare? Vanessa
Dare she says
I dare you to kiss Jorge ....*she smiles* his jacket
What???? NO i want to kiss him She says
Sorry, only his jacket Alba says *Jorge took off his jacket and she kissed it*
Yeah you can stop now. Alba says looking weird at her
Vanessa spins the bottle and it lands on Diego
Truth or dare? Diego
Dare he says
I dare you to do everything I say tomorrow at school! Vanessa says happy
NO, please Diego says
I'm sorry you are the one who chose dare! She say
Diego spins the bottle and it lands on.... Andres
Truth or dare? Andres
Truth he says
Have you every had a girlfriend? Diego askes
Yeah... *crying a little* Andres says
I'm sorry man! Diego says
It's okay Andres says
Andres spins the bottle and it lands on...Xiabani
Truth or dare? Xiabani
Dare! Xiabani says
I dare you to............ eat a cookie Andres (A/N: you know why Andres says that because he isn't that smart 😂)
Well... If that's what you want! Okay then! Xiabani says and eats a cookie
Xiabani spins the bottle and it lands on..... Me (Martina)
Truth or dare? Martina
Dare :) I say
I dare you to throw a cake in your face Xiabani says
*I go to the kitchen take a piece of cake and throw it in my face*
Amazing I say *sarcastic*
I spin the bottle and it lands on... James
Truth or dare? James
Truth he says
Do ever had a crush on Candelaria? I ask
Uhh.. Yes he says looking down
Ohh..i'm reallys sorry about what I said Cande says
Don't worry he says
James spins the bottle and it lands on.... Jorge
Truth or dare? Jorge
Dare Jorge says
I dare you to have seven minutes in heaven with..............................................Lucy
Okay! Jorge said and they went in the closet
I heard kissing sounds,laughing sounds and other sounds... I never wanted to hear.
He said Okay! not thinking about me....
After 10 minutes they were still in the closet Mechi knocked on the door and opened it.
I saw shirtless Jorge and Lucy in her bra the two on top of each other both with a big smile! When I saw this I just broke, i know it's game but still
When I realized I was crying I quickly went to the toilet!
Yeah I was crying...crying my eyes out 💔😭

I always knew i'm not perfect enough fore Jorge, but when he liked me. I thought I was wrong but NO! I was always was right...
Poor Martina...
Don't worry Jortini will live 💕
Hope you enjoyed it :)

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