Jorge? I said shocked 😳
Ooh..hey Martina He said
I couldn't believe it, I fell in love with the same boy I was already in love with! And He just asked me if I felt a spark ✨ and I said no... I'm so stupid I said to myself
What are you doing here? He asked
I heard you singing and I wanted to know who was singing I said
Ooh, its me so... He said
Yeah,.. Its just you I said
Well, bye again sorry that I interrupt you I said
No, don't be sorry Byee Martina he said
I left and went home...Next day
I told Alba what happened yesterday, so I went back and it was Jorge I said
So you was all the time still in love with Jorge Alba said
Yeah...,I just can't believe I thought I was finally over him, but no! I said
And he is still with... Vanessa ughh!!! i said
Vanessa was talking to Lucy I heard her saying: Yesterday, Jorge bought me flowers and he hugged me and we had dinner together! He is so in love with me!
Vanessa came our way and without saying anything she hitted me in my stomach and slapped me
I was almost crying but Ruggero helped me
Are you okay? He said
Yeah, thanks fore helping really sweet Ruggero I said to him
No problem, that girl is crazy he saidAfter a couple hours, I was walking with Mercedes and Lodovica when I suddenly stumbled
Ow.. My leg hurts I said in pain
Mechi and Lodovica helped me up! I saw in my peripheral vision Vanessa, Ashley and Lucy looking with a happy grin 😌
They did this!!! i said to Lodovica and Mercedes
They looked and said: OMG, your right
We went to the hospital 🏥
Mrs. Stoessel , your leg is broken so you have to walk with crutches you will het better soon! The nurse saidAfter an hour Jorge came to visit me
Hey :) he said
Hey :) I said
Are you alright? He said worried
Well, my leg is broken and I have to walk with crutches! So yeah, i'm okay I said
Oh! what a relief! He said
You were worried about me? i asked
I don't want something bad happens to you, really! i mean it He said while grabbed my hand. When he realized that he took my hand,he let go quickly and asked me: Who did this to you?
Vanessa! I said
Vanessa? no, you must be wrong. She will never do that to anyone he said
So, you think I am lying? I said
No...,well actually! Yes you are lying! You only say that because you want me to break up with her He said mad
And who told you that? I said
Vanessa! He said
Well, if you think I'm lying then go away . just go back to the girl that makes you happy I said mad
And he left...Next day
I walked into the school with my crutches, everyone stared at me
Aww, what pathetic for you Martina. Get well soon Ashley said with grin on her face just like Vanessa and Lucy
Jorge came to her and said: Hey beauty 💕and looked mad at me 😒
Let her go Candelaria said and we all walked away...
It was lunchtime and I was writing in my diary 📖
How could she?, how can she hypnotize him that much
He stupid action made me the bad witch 🔮 and her the good fairy 👸
He hates me now!!! Why do I always have bad luck :(
I was about to go, when I slipped...
Serious, is it Friday 13th or what? I said in my headThere was me lying on the ground, no one who wanted to help me. That's what you get when you are the bad witch 🔮

● Loving him was RED ●
FanfictionThis is a Jortini fanfiction Jorge and Martina are normal teenagers from 17 years old. Jorge is deeply in love with a girl called Vanessa. Martina always had a crush on him, she is really good friends with Lodovica and Candelaria but also Alba and M...