Chapter 8: Frying Pan-San

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For some reason I had a really tough time writing this chapter, I couldn't seem to get it to really flow right, but I guess not every chapter can be perfect (tbh literally none of them are)



The boy's jaws dropped harder than an Avicci beat.

"What the hell do you mean he doesn't wanna come back??" Alfred demanded, standing up from his chair faster than you can say holy shit.

"He just said something vague about how he's a failure and he shouldn't even bother, something along the lines of that. As much as I like the kid, I can't exactly force him back here without getting the police involved, and if that happened Alfred and him would be in serious trouble. My hands are tied." Roma explained, his brow furrowing as he gazed at the phone in defeat.

"Fuck that shit! Tell me where he lives! I'm gonna grab his albino ass by the goddamn sphincter and drag him here myself if I have to!" Alfred exclaimed.

"Bloody hell I didn't think you even knew what a sphincter was..." mumbled Arthur, and as much as Yao wanted to giggle at the little stab, Alfred looked so angry he was afraid he was gonna witness him turn into the freaking hulk or something. Teenage male testosterone man...

"Young man, calm yourself! This is out of our hands now, just leave it be and carry on for the rest of the summer! Now head back to your cabins before I put you on toilet cleaning duty!" Roma ordered.

Fearing the dreaded tasks of having to clean up fat turds, as well as realising there was nothing else they could do, the lads left the cabin obediently. 

"What are we going to do now, then?" Arthur sighed, tapping his foot like some kind of Karen waiting for the manager.

"It's still only the afternoon. We could totally go get him and bring him here before dark, we just don't know where he lives, and I'm not sure we could even convince him to come back." pondered Alfred.

Suddenly, a great idea hit Yao. If they could just find out where Gilbert lived, that would at least set them on the right track, and there was one person in the campsite who could potentially know where that place was. A person who could also convince Gilbert to come back.

"Aiyah, that's it! If we get Roderich to seduce Gilbert's horny weirdo self into coming back it's almost a fool proof plan! Roderich might even know where he lives, though I'm not sure how close they actually are so that part might be a bit of a gamble..." He proposed.

The others nodded in agreement.

"Well, it's the only option we really have presently so... Let's go to the Counsellor's cabin." Arthur said.

When they got there and knocked, they were greeted by a woman they knew was Elizaveta, the Counsellor in charge of Group A. She looked about as downcast as Roma had been, but more so than sad she especially looked concerned.

"Hi Elizaveta... Is Roderich in there? We have something to ask him about."

She gave them a puzzled look and shook her head.

"Roddy IS in here but he's a bit... Shocked, let's just say, about the situation. If it's really important I can try help you if you want." She offered, attempting to give them a smile, though it didn't exactly look genuine.

Alfred looked behind him before suddenly grabbing Elizaveta by the shoulders.

"Elizaveta, look, quick! Heracles is tryna fuck a cat!" Alfred exclaimed, shaking her shoulders frantically and pointing behind him.

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