Chapter Five: DDR Is a Valid Exercise

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I hope you guys enjoy this chapter because it took AGES and I'm sorry but I'M A LAZY PERSON. Anyways yeah this chapter is very eventful and longer than all the others so HERE YA GO!

Warnings: mentions of blood (not very violent) and alcohol (not very explicit) as well as shit.

Alfred, as always, had not quite yet come up with an actual plan.

His best bet of how they were going to sneak out was to just climb over the massive fence at the front, which isolated the huge property of land from the outside world.

The only thing other than a big-ass fence that was in their way was the counsellor's cabins- which would have been one hundred times easier to sneak past if only Alfred hadn't taken it upon himself to wear shoes that literally light up in the damn dark.

"Alfred what the dumblefuck are those fucking shoes?" Arthur exclaimed, pulling Alfred behind Cabin 3 barely a second after the gang had ventured outside.

"They're my LA gear light up shoes! DUH!" Alfred stated, missing the point entirely.

"wHY THE SHIT ARE YOU WEARING SHOES THAT LIGHT UP AND ATTRACT ATTENTION WHEN WE ARE TRYING TO SNEAK OUT?!" Arthur whisper-screeched, slapping Alfred behind the head repeatedly.

Yao just sighed. He probably should have cared more about getting caught- since he would never hear the end of it from his parents if he got in trouble- but for some reason Yao just kind of accepted it. He knew something was bound to go wrong that night anyways, because something always went wrong when Alfred and Arthur were left unsupervised.

Ivan stood, staring at the two boys who were fighting and smiling.

"I dont understand how you can smile in these situations." Yao said, looking up at Ivan with his eyebrows furrowed.

"I think they're fighting is funny. Though, I do always have to fight the urge to just hit both of them over the head so hard that they won't even remember what they were arguing about in the first place."

Yao looked away, his spine tingling slightly. He would probably never get used to the way Ivan smiled so sweetly whilst saying such creepy things- though he couldn't exactly blame the boy for wanting to hit Alfred and Arthur. They were annoying as fuck sometimes, afterall.

Once Arthur had ripped Alfred's shoes off of his feet, and was now carrying them in his hand so that they would not create any more light, they managed to successfully sneak past the rest of the cabins with little to no obstacles.

"So...How are we going to get over the fence, then?" Arthur asked Alfred, who's socks were now filthy.

"We climb, I guess." Alfred replied, unsure, but willing to try most anything.

The fence was one of those chain ones you get on school grounds, meaning climbing would be an easy enough option for them. Once Alfred began hurling himself up, he realised that at the top it was barbed.

"Be careful at the top guys it's barb- Woaoaahhh!" Alfred shouted down, consequently ripping his shirt as it got caught on the barbs and falling all the way down onto the other side of the fence.

"ALFRED! ARE YOU ALRIGHT?" Arthur immediately shouted, running up to the fence and sticking an arm through to try reach him.

Yao watched on, concerned and ready to go back to camp and ask for help. The fall definitely wouldn't have killed him- but it very well might have broken his arm.

Alfred was winded and gasping for air, but after a few minutes of Arthur worrying and him breathing in and out sharply he managed to sit up and reply.

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