Chapter 19

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Right as I walked into school after summer break I was greeted by nasty comments from a bunch of girls and some guys.



"No good piece of shit"


Words like those passing through me as I made my way to first period. I don't know what happened over break but it couldn't be good.

I sat my Spanish book under my desk and laid my head down on my arms waiting for class to start. I had ten minutes so I put my headphones in my ears to black anymore comments from classmates out.

After the bell rang the teacher, Mrs. Jackson, started the lesson today. Conjugating verbs. Easy as pie. She explained how to do it and then gave us a work sheet to do.

I was halfway through the worksheet when I felt a wad of paper strike me in the face. I found it on the floor with writing on it.

I unwadded the paper and revealed its message.

"You really put on a few pounds over the summer. Probably from not playing softball and sitting on your fatass all the time. Don't you see how disgusting you are? Fat piece of shit. It's sad when the freak dates you out of pity."

That stung. But I wasn't gonna let it get to me. I wasn't. Okay yeah I was. It are me alive but I would just talk to Michael after school or in the cafeteria or something instead of my usual response.

I walked over to the trash an and threw the paper away. Someone tripped me on my way back to my seat and I fell. I heard some whisper, "surprised there wasn't an earthquake."

I looked up and saw one of the guys laughing.

"Fuck off." I seethed.

"Miss West take your seat right now. I will not have that kind of language in my classroom." She glared through her round, gold rimmed glasses.

"Well if you would control your fucking students and maybe listen to what the others one say once in a while or when they throw notes at people I wouldn't have to use profanities"

"Office. Now." She pointed to the door and I complied. I was already gonna be in enough trouble. Comments were thrown across the room at me as I made my way to the door but I noted them the best I could. For Michael.

I sat in the office on a comfy couch for the rest of first period becaus ether principal was gone and no one felt like disciplining me.

I walked back out into the hallway and made my way to the locker room for second period, gym.

Luckily it's all girls and most of them don't make comments, besides Maci. We ended up playing a game of kickball and my team won. The other team had to go ten push ups before they left to change.

I had already changed my pants and hurt before the losing team came in. As I was slipping my shoes on Maci walked by and pushed me off of the bench I was sitting on. I went crashing to the ground.

"Be careful guys if she falls one more time the floor might crack." She laughed and walked away.

I picked myself back up and finished changing before walking out of the locker room away from that bitch.

Third and fourth period went by quickly and then I had geometry 5th period and so did Michael.

I decided to take advantage of us being able to choose seat and sat beside Michael. I placed my books underneath my desk and say patiently waiting for the class to start.

"What's wrong?" Michael whispered when the teacher left to go make copies.

"Nothing, babe. Why?" I said putting on my brave face.

"You seem sad lately. Ever since you walked in you haven't looked at me or anyone really you've had your head down."

"I'm fine Michael. Don't worry." I mumbled.

"Don't pull this shit with me Amy. I know something up and I want you to tell me. Let me help you."

I looked him in the eyes and he they were practically begging me to tell him. But when I opened my mouth to talk the teacher walked back in and handed out all the papers for us to work on.

I worked diligently on my work until the bell rang signaling for lunch and I packed my stuff up, putting everything in its proper place before leaving class and heading toward the cafeteria.

I stood in line patiently and Michael was already at his table chatting with some of his friends he made over the summer.

I finally made it to the front of the line and grabbed a salad when the guy behind me decided to comment.

"Fatty on a diet, don't try it."

I kept it together until I made it back to our table and I sat my salad down and ran out of the cafeteria to the back of the school and I cried. I cried so hard and then I passed out.


(A/n) so I think the time of year for this story is kinda fucked up so I'm setting it as school just starting. Sorry if it's confusing but I'm writing it taking place in Australia and I'm from America so I get hella confused. Sorry guys.

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