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"Oya? Who's stupid?"

A deep voice echoed the small groups' table as they stopped talking, the looked up to see a raven haired male, looking kind of like a rooster. "Hi Kit." Tetsuro smiled then took his sunglasses off as he looked at Kenma, practically ignoring the existence of the people behind them.

"I dont know if its just me but I can smell the 'curvy rainbow' tension." Terushima butted in and placed their orders, making Kuroo and Kenma blush.

"Yoohoo!" a very familiar voice opened the door making a grand entrance, a few people squealed knowing exactly who that person is, as some took a few pictures. "Eh?! Iwa-chan isnt here again?" Oikawa pouted as Kuroo slapped the males back, "I told you he had a shoot." Oikawa pouted as he rubbed the stinging area of his back.

"Oikawa cancelled all his plans for today just to meet Iwaizumi, he even agreed on not getting two weeks of day off." Kuroo blabbered making Tooru turn red out of embarrassment, "Shut up!"

"Hah, simp." Kenma retorted as he and Kuroo high-fived.

"Mean couples!" Oikawa stuck his tongue out and went to help himself an order. "What brings you both here?" Keiji sipped in his coffee as he waited for the elders response, "I was actually done- the rest of them still have a lot to do." Kuroo sashayed his hair and everyone looked at him weird.

"What about Bokuto-san, Kuroo-san?!" Hinata asked brightly, "Well he's alright." Kuroo sat down and squished himself beside Kenma, the frail male didnt show any signs of annoyance though he had rose cheeks.

After a few minutes, Oikawa hopped in as the group began to talk about random topics such as the day Oikawa took a photo shoot with that one Stranger Things alien- as he would put it, and where Kuroo looks better when he wakes up.

"So, theres this hot guy at our studio! He has a man bun and hunny! He looks hot!" Noya sipped more into his coffee, which Yama kind of regretted giving the ray of thunder caffeine. "Mega hottie!" Oikawa whisper yelled as everyone tried to find the person whom Oikawa found hot.

"Huh? Thats Waka-nii!"

Oikawa froze, "Waka..as in Ushijima Wakatoshi?!" Tooru nearly got most of the peoples attention as Kuroo was trying to restrain a laugh, "Wait, excuse me." Yama sipped on his mug and walked towards his dear cousin.

"Who is he anyway?" Keiji asked at a very frozen Oikawa.

"I found him hot." 


"I found Ushi-baka hot?!" Tooru stared at his friends' eyes directly and began to dramatically cry onto Kenma's side. "I honestly have no idea whats going on right now." Keiji knitted his brows together in confusion. Kuroo swallowed his food with a few laughs, "So- he and Oikawa dated for like- a 6 months or so- theyve broke up, but he'll never say why." Tetsuro snorted a bit as Kenma just let Oikawa be all dramatic. Keiji just hummed as the awkward air was slowly fading away.

Back with Yama and his dear cousin, they were just talking. As Ushijima decided to stay at Tokyo to visit his boyfriends apartment and decided to bring a little pastry as a gift. He is now currently being bombarded with questions by his dear aunt Umi. (got aunts like these too?)

"So! Can we meet this lover of yours Wakatoshi-kun?" Umi gushed, feeling a bit proud his nephew finally fell in love as he was very emotionless when he was young. Ushijima just nodded and continued to sip on his tea.

"Here you go Waka-nii." Yama gave Wakatoshi a warm paper bag filled with baked goods.

"Thank you so much auntie, but I wont be able to stay here for long." Wakatoshi stood up and bowed to Umi, "Yes, yes! You run along now!" Umi also stood up and kissed his nephews cheek then scurried to get some baked pastries, Yama smiled at his cousin as the two walked out of the kitchen together.

As Wakatoshi got out and spotted a familiar chestnut haired male, he tried to figure it out, but when he did. He decided to just let it slide and gave the male a small nod from his table, Oikawa just hid more out of embarrassment. When Ushijima left, as the small bell above the table dinged, Oikawa sighed in relief.

"Was the breakup that bad?" Noya asked, Oikawa grew red and shook his head.

"What breakup?" Yama sat down at his spot as Tooru was close to spitting his coffee.
Kenma snickered lightly but knew well enough it wasnt his place to just blurt out such info like that.

"Oikawa's dating that green guy you were with." Keiji blurted out to break the silence as Oikawa dramatically fainted.

"Eh?!? You dated Waka-nii?!" Tadashi's eyes were wide open as his little antenna was also up. Tooru bit his lower lip embarrassingly as Yama just stood there in utter shock.

"Now we have a proper topic." Kenma smirked and put his game down. You know its juicy tea when Kenma Kozume puts his game down. Even Kuroo was shook.

Oikawa just sighed and filled his friends with all the tea.


After the whole group hang out, Yama was washing the dishes, his mind still scarred.

He is 100% convinced his Waka-nii isnt pure as he seems to be.

"Are you okay Tadashi?" Umi peered at his son and placed more plates. Yama only nodded quickly not wanting to talk about it. Umi was talking about something but Yama just went on auto-pilot and just went with his chore.

A few of hours cleaning the dishes and putting them on the dryer he felt someone wrap an arm around his waist and his eyes were covered.

"H-Hello?! Mom?! Is this you?!" Yama squeaked, slightly shivering.

The figure behind him slowly chuckled and turned Tadashi around, and when Tada felt his eyes being uncovered he slowly opened them.


Yama beamed and hugged his tall boyfriend, Tsukishima smiled and handed Tadashi a small bouquet of daisies. Yama bit his lower lip and blushed, he quickly took the flower and placed it to the counter top as the greenette hopped at the countertop. Kei raised a brow, "Yamaguchi what are you-" before the blonde could finish his sentence, Tada pressed his lips against Kei's as a soft kiss.

Tada pulled away quickly as a small pop followed. Yamaguchi giggled as Tsukishima blushed at his lovers sudden actions.

"Ive missed you Tsukki!"

"Its only been-" once again Kei was cut as Yama pressed their lips together, the greenettes hands were wrapped on the blondes shoulder and Kei found his way to the others waist, keeping eachother close.

Then they heard something shatter that made them pull away.




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