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Yamaguchi's pov.

Tsukki and his friends were currently doing a comprehension meeting like the civilized people that they are and I was left in his room-apartment thing.

The place was wonderful and amazingly spacious. I can seriously just do a failed cartwheel and still land flat onto the floor!

I should try that sometime, but now I am on my way to the shops.

Ive seen a few good shops from vlogs here and I cant wait to finally go there personally, theres this one shop- and I shamelessly dont remember the name of- that is filled with just pens! Felt tip ones, and that huge box ones just for calligraphy. And I would like buy just that! Tsukki gave me money today- even though I specifically told him not to but of course he ignored it and just gave me his money.

I couldnt really blame him, that Aya-girl was hurrying him and I didnt even get my kiss goodbye from Tsukki! But to be fair our relationships wasnt very open open, only his family and my family know about it.

Though the media knows Tsukki isnt single, so hah! 

I shook my head trying to make the silly thought I had fade away but I just made my head a bit fuzzy. I ignored it and went inside the huge mall I never know of. Tsukki told me to call him right after he texts me and like the good boyfriend that I am, I agreed.

Now Im inside one of the art shops, it was very well decorated and quite aesthetic as some teens would say it, or in other words it had its own charm. There were scattered mags here and there but they somewhat looked pleasing, then a whole row filled with all artsy things and stationary you need. In every aisle there was one filled with just pens, and then one was filled with just paper.

All assorted! Im pretty sure Keiji and Oikawa-san would like this place.

I went and hoarded the oen aisle, I dumped everything in my basket on whatever my eyes laid on. As said earlier, I have been informed about the whole calligraphy stuff and decided to give it a go myself, I think itll be good for the bakery and have nice little hand written thank you cards, and even a cookie for the usuals.

I felt a bit bratty onced I realised that I wasted all of Tsukki's money and not use mine. I mean, he did insist and isnt it rude to decline an offer? But if its from a creepy man that gives you candy from his van, that would be another story.

Huh, is Tsukki my sugar daddy?

I quickly went around the mall exploring just a bit, I found this one cafe I think Tsukki would like, and then I went inside this place and bought a plushy for Oikawa since that one alien thingy caught my eye.

But what at should I give Tsukki?

I walked more into the shops and went at rhe basement area, I blushed a crimson shade of red once I saw the first shop downstairs. I think it was the only shop at the basement area, there were a few food stands but this specific shop stood out, neon pink lights and very explicit pictures and figurines. I was sure I need to be at least 21 to enter this place. There is no way Im giving Tsukki this.


I quickly bought myself a random drink from a food stand to not look weird.

Thinking it would be finally time to go home, I nearly got lostbut thankfully that was when Tsukki texted me and then I pressed call.

"Hello Tsukki! How are you doing?"

"Im fine. We'll start filming tomorrow. Found a good place for you to have fun?"

I blushed once more remembering the certain store I have encountered and quickly shook my head aggressively to get rid if such thoughts.

"Yep! I bought nice pens and I got a gift for you too-"

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